Meshviewer is an online visualization app to represent nodes and links on a map for Freifunk open mesh network.
Main differences to
Some similar features might have been implemented/merged
- Replaced router - including language, mode, node, link, location
- Leaflet upgraded to v1 - faster on mobile
- Forcegraph rewrite with d3.js v4
- Map layer modes (Allow to set a default layer based on time combined with a stylesheet)
- Automatic updates for selected node or list (incl. image stats cache-breaker)
- Node filter
- Zoom level for clicking on a node (
) is definable independently from the maximum zoom level 22 - Formatted Code
- Translation support - - Contact us for new languages
- Currently available: en, de, fr & ru
- Gulp inline for some css and js - fewer requests and instant load indicator
- Icon font with needed icons only
- Switch to Gulp (Tested with Node.js 4/6 LTS, 8 on Linux, OSX & W**)
- css and some js moved inline
- Yarn/npm in favour of bower
- Load only moment.js without languages (Languages are included in translations)
- unneeded components removed (es6-shim, tablesort, numeraljs, leaflet-providers, leaflet-label jshashes, chroma-js)
- RBush v2 - performance boost in last versions (positions, labels and clients on the map)
- Ruby dependency removed
- FixedCenter is required
- Sass-lint, scss and variables rewritten for easy customizations/adjustments
- Cross browser/device support improved (THX@BrowserStack)
- Yarn package manager in favour of npm (npm still works)
- Configurable reverse geocoding server
- A lot more in the commit history
Documentation moved to
- Read:
- PDF, Mobi, ePub & edit:
- Search available
- Multiple pages
- Less doc commits, faster changes
- Export as PDF, Mobi, ePub
- BrowserStack for providing an awesome testing service for hundreds of browsers
- Travis CI for building meshviewer on every push and pull request
- Scrutinizer CI for testing code quality on every push and pull request
- Crowdin for providing an easy non-developer translation environment
These tools need a lot of infrastructures and provide a free account for open source software.