A generator for the password system used in the Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages
and Oracle of Seasons games.
Built using the ZoraSharp library.
Blazor is a single-page web application framework built on .NET that runs in
the browser with WebAssembly. It is currently an experimental technology.
Blazor FAQ: https://blazor.net/docs/introduction/faq.html
- Generates game, ring, and memory secrets
- Remembers game information entered by the user for later use
- Can be used offline and be installed to the homescreen on smartphones (PWA)
You can find the installable website at the following address: https://friendlyanon.github.io/zoragen/
- kabili207 - Created the ZoraSharp library
- Paulygon - Created the original secret generator way back in 2001
- 39ster - Rediscovered how to decode game secrets using paulygon's program
- LunarCookies - Discovered the correct cipher and checksum logic used to generate secrets
ZoraGen Blazor is licensed under the Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License version 2.
ZoraGen Blazor makes use of the following library:
- ZoraSharp, licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
ZoraGen Blazor makes use of resources from the following project:
- ZoraGen WPF, licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3
The Legend of Zelda is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.