This project contains two ready to run examples showing how to create and use JSON Fliox Clients & Hubs.
In short
JSON Fliox is .NET library supporting simple and efficient access to NoSQL databases via C# or Web clients.
This repo on GitHub: friflo/Fliox.Examples
Published project on GitHub 2022-08
This project contains two examples with a different set of features. Their differences are listed at 🎨 Features.
The intention is to guide how to add a new or remove an existing features in an application.
Each example contains three folders / C# projects
folder | project type | description | run command |
Client | .NET library | database client / schema | |
Hub | .NET HTTP server | bootstrapping a Hub | dotnet run |
Test | NUnit tests | client examples & test DB | dotnet test dotnet run [http, file, memory] |
The API's used by the examples are available at fliox-docs API Reference
Build, Test and Run instructions described at 🔧 Build
The Demo example contains a common Client, a common Hub and unit tests.
Hub features:
All Todo/Hub features + ASP.NET integration, GraphQL API, monitoring, user authorization, Pub-Sub, container relations and custom commands.
It utilize Bogus to generate fake records in various containers.
Use the Hub Explorer http://localhost:5000/fliox/ to check the features.
Try out the online example DemoHub on AWS - EC2: t2-micro, us-east-1
Client | Hub | |
C# | 2 files - LOC 140 | 4 files - LOC Program 40, ASP.NET 35, domain logic 280 |
dependencies | JSON Fliox 4 dlls 850 KB | JSON Fliox 7 dlls 900 KB GraphQLParser 300kb Bogus 2.4MB |
The Todo example contains a minimal Client, a minimal Hub and unit tests.
Hub features:
Hub Explorer,
HttpListener hosting, REST / OpenAPI, Batch API & database schema.
Use the Hub Explorer http://localhost:5000/fliox/ to check the features.
Client | Hub | |
C# | 1 file - LOC 35 | 1 file - LOC 25 |
dependencies | JSON Fliox 4 dlls 850 KB | JSON Fliox 5 dlls 855 KB |
The example shows how to validate a JSON string with a given schema.
The input for JsonValidator.Validate()
is the JSON string and the Type defining the schema - Person
in the example below.
Requires nuget package Friflo.Json.Fliox .
class Person
public int age;
[Required] public string name;
public static class SchemaValidation
/// Validate JSON with a Schema
public static void Run() {
var json = "{\"age\":42,\"name\":\"Peter\"}";
var success = JsonValidator.Validate(json, typeof(Person), out var error);
json = "{\"age\":42}";
success = JsonValidator.Validate(json, typeof(Person), out error);
Assert.AreEqual("Missing required fields: [name] at Person > (root), pos: 10", error);
The input for code generation is the type defining the schema - Person
in the example below.
/// Generate: C#, GraphQL, HTML, JSON Schema, Kotlin, Markdown and Typescript in folder: ./schema
public static void GenerateSchemaModels() {
var schemaModels = SchemaModel.GenerateSchemaModels(typeof(Person));
foreach (var schemaModel in schemaModels) {
var folder = $"./schema/{schemaModel.type}";
The solution and its projects can be build, tested and executed on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
It can be used with following IDE's:
Visual Studio Code,
Rider &
Visual Studio 2022.
Note: In order to build and run the examples the .NET 8.0 SDK is required.
Or use Gitpod to build and run the server using VSCode in the browser without installing anything.
Workspace available in 30 sec. Open
in new tab. When Finished open Terminal panel.
clone repository and open its directory - leave out this step when using Gitpod.
git clone
cd Fliox.Examples
build all examples
dotnet build
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
run unit tests of all examples
dotnet test
Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 7, Skipped: 0, Total: 7, Duration: 421 ms - TodoTest.dll (net6.0)
Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 6, Skipped: 0, Total: 6, Duration: 712 ms - DemoTest.dll (net6.0)
run a Hub as an HTTP server from its folder - e.g.
cd ./Todo/Hub
dotnet run
the server will start with logs like
when using Gitpod:
- Click Make Public
- Click
in Terminal
Otherwise open the Hub Explorer in your browser: http://localhost:5000/fliox/
run the .NET Test client accessing the Hub from its folder - e.g.
cd ./Todo/Test
dotnet run
--- jobs:
id: 1, title: buy milk, completed: False
id: 2, title: buy cheese, completed: True
wait for events ... (exit with: CTRL + C)
note: generate events by clicking 'Save' on a record in the Hub Explorer
It will execute the client methods used in Trial.Main()
Start with the simple Todo example as it contains only 70 LOC.
Therefore execute the steps listed in 🔧 Build section.
After starting the TodoHub server open the Hub Explorer at http://localhost:5000/fliox/ in the browser.
Now you can try the actions below in any order.
- Click on the Project Name to open the website describing the project
- Click on the Schema link to open a single page documentation
- Click on the (CD) Class Diagram link to open the database schema as a class diagram
- Click on the (OAS) OpenAPI link to open the Swagger UI
- Click on Typescript, C#, Kotlin, JSON Schema / OpenAPI link to export types for other languages
- Select a database command - e.g. std.Echo - and execute it with Send
- Select container jobs to view and edit its entities aka records
When selecting a container the UI will change shown in the screenshot below
Use the container view to show, edit and query entities.
- Click on a REST link to show its response in a new browser tab
- Select an entity in the container (e.g. id: 1) to view its value in JSON Editor
- Make changes in the JSON Editor an Save them
- Delete selected entity / entities
- Create an new entity with the JSON Editor by
- selecting an exiting one
- change its id
- click Save
- Execute a container query using a LINQ filter expression
o => o.completed != false
and clicking Apply filter - Remove the query filter by clicking on the red ❌ on the top left in the Explorer
- Select All / None entities in the container to edit them as JSON
C# Tests
The functionality shown in the Walkthrough above is also available via the C# API.
How to use the API is demonstrated as unit tests in TodoTests.cs and DemoTests.
Use the Test Explorer of your IDE to execute and debug these tests.
NUnit | C# | used for unit testing of the Examples |
Bogus | C# | to create Fake data by the DemoHub |
.NET platform | C# .NET | the platform providing compiler, runtime, IDE's & ASP.NET |
Swagger | static JS | a REST / OpenAPI UI linked by the Hub Explorer |
GraphiQL | static JS | a GraphQL UI linked by the Hub Explorer |
Mermaid | static JS | class diagram for database schema linked by the Hub Explorer |
Monaco Editor | static JS | used as JSON Editor integrated in the Hub Explorer |
Inscape | Application | to create SVG's for this project |
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Happy coding!
This demo project is licensed under MIT.
Published project on GitHub 2022-08
Copyright © 2022 Ullrich Praetz