Its pure golang library for parsing and editing tags in mp3, mp4 and flac formats
go get
For using command line arguments
go install
Name | ID3v1 | ID3v2.2 | ID3v2.3 | ID3v2.4 | MP4 | FLAC |
Title | Title | TT2 | TIT2 | TIT2 | \xa9nam | TITLE |
Artist | Artist | TP1 | TPE1 | TPE1 | \xa9art | ARTIST |
Album | Album | TAL | TALB | TALB | \xa9alb | ALBUM |
Year | Year | TYE | TYER | TDOR | \xa9day | YEAR |
Comment | Comment | COM | COMM | COMM | COMMENT | |
Genre | Genre | TCO | TCON | TCON | \xa9gen | GENRE |
Album Artist | - | TOA | TPE2 | TPE2 | aART | ALBUMARTIST |
Date | - | TIM | TYER | TDRC | DATE | |
Arranger | - | - | IPLS | IPLS | ARRANGER | |
Author | - | TOL | TOLY | TOLY | AUTHOR | |
BPM | - | BPM | TBPM | TBPM | BPM | |
Compilation | - | - | TCMP | TCMP | COMPILATION | |
Composer | - | TCM | TCOM | TCOM | \xa9wrt | COMPOSER |
Conductor | - | TP3 | TPE3 | TPE3 | CONDUCTOR | |
Copyright | - | TCR | TCOP | TCOP | cprt | COPYRIGHT |
Description | - | TXX | TIT3 | TIT3 | DESCRIPTION | |
Disc Number | - | - | TPOS | TPOS | DISCNUMBER | |
Encoded by | - | TEN | TENC | TENC | \xa9too | ENCODED-BY |
Track Number | TrackNumber | TRK | TRCK | TRCK | trkn | TRACKNUMBER |
Picture | - | PIC | APIC | APIC | covr | METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE |
In progress
Future features:
- Support all tags (id3 v1, v1.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4, mp4, flac)
- Fix errors in files (empty tags, incorrect size, tag size, tag parameters)
- Command line arguments
Format | Read | Set | Delete | Save |
idv1 | ||||
idv1.1 | ||||
idv2.2 | ||||
idv2.3 | ||||
idv2.4 | ||||
mp4 | ||||
Cli info
tag help
For read tags use
tag read -in "path/to/file"
# example output
version: id3v2.4
description : subtitle
track number : 12/12
author : Kitten
catalog number : catalogcat
bmp : 777
conductor : catconductor
copyright : 2019
album : CatAlbum
comment : catcomment
for save meta information use
tag read -in "path/to/file" -out "path/to/outputfile.json"
Now supported only json output file
tags, err := tag.ReadFile("song.mp3")
if err != nil {
return err
tag.ReadFile or tag.Read
return interface Metadata
package tag
type Metadata interface {
type GetMetadata interface {
GetAllTagNames() []string
GetVersion() Version
GetFileData() []byte // all another file data
GetTitle() (string, error)
GetArtist() (string, error)
GetAlbum() (string, error)
GetYear() (int, error)
GetComment() (string, error)
GetGenre() (string, error)
GetAlbumArtist() (string, error)
GetDate() (time.Time, error)
GetArranger() (string, error)
GetAuthor() (string, error)
GetBMP() (int, error)
GetCatalogNumber() (int, error)
GetCompilation() (string, error)
GetComposer() (string, error)
GetConductor() (string, error)
GetCopyright() (string, error)
GetDescription() (string, error)
GetDiscNumber() (int, int, error) // number, total
GetEncodedBy() (string, error)
GetTrackNumber() (int, int, error) // number, total
GetPicture() (image.Image, error)
type SetMetadata interface {
SetTitle(title string) error
SetArtist(artist string) error
SetAlbum(album string) error
SetYear(year int) error
SetComment(comment string) error
SetGenre(genre string) error
SetAlbumArtist(albumArtist string) error
SetDate(date time.Time) error
SetArranger(arranger string) error
SetAuthor(author string) error
SetBMP(bmp int) error
SetCatalogNumber(catalogNumber int) error
SetCompilation(compilation string) error
SetComposer(composer string) error
SetConductor(conductor string) error
SetCopyright(copyright string) error
SetDescription(description string) error
SetDiscNumber(number int, total int) error
SetEncodedBy(encodedBy string) error
SetTrackNumber(number int, total int) error
SetPicture(picture image.Image) error
type DeleteMetadata interface {
DeleteAll() error
DeleteTitle() error
DeleteArtist() error
DeleteAlbum() error
DeleteYear() error
DeleteComment() error
DeleteGenre() error
DeleteAlbumArtist() error
DeleteDate() error
DeleteArranger() error
DeleteAuthor() error
DeleteBMP() error
DeleteCatalogNumber() error
DeleteCompilation() error
DeleteComposer() error
DeleteConductor() error
DeleteCopyright() error
DeleteDescription() error
DeleteDiscNumber() error
DeleteEncodedBy() error
DeleteTrackNumber() error
DeletePicture() error
type SaveMetadata interface {
SaveFile(path string) error
Save(input io.WriteSeeker) error
Also you can read defined format. For Example:
package main
import (
func Read() error {
file, err := os.Open("path/to/file")
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
id3v2, err := tag.ReadID3v24(file)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get tag value by name
value, err := id3v2.GetString("TIT2")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("title: " + value)
// Set tag value
err = id3v2.SetString("TIT2", "Title")
if err != nil {
return err
// User defined tags
value, err = id3v2.GetStringTXXX("MYTAG")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("my tag: " + value)
// Set user tag
err = id3v2.SetStringTXXX("MYTAG222", "Dogs")
if err != nil {
return err
// Save changes
err = id3v2.SaveFile("path/to/file")
if err != nil {
return err