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Flux is a set of tasks developed with Gulp to make your front-end workflow easier. These tasks involve the compilation of files written with Jade, Stylus and Coffeescript pre-processors integrated with different node packages in an organized folder structure.

Main tasks

Task Description
gulp clean Task to delete js, css, font and image files previously compiled.
gulp copy Task to copy fonts and images from the flux/frontend/ folder
gulp css Task to compile *.styl files to *.css.
gulp html Task to compile *.jade files to *.html.
gulp js Task to compile *.coffee files to *.js.
gulp sprites Task to generate a spritesheet from *.png image files.
gulp fonts Task to generate a css stylesheet from font files (*.eot, *.ttf, *.woff, *.svg).
gulp icons Tast to generate an icon font from *.svg images.
gulp watch Task to listen for any changes made in the *.coffee, *.styl, *.jade files and compile them automatically.
gulp bower Task to manage plugins installed with Bower.


Installing dependencies

Install npm and nodejs in linux

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Install gulp globally

sudo npm install -g gulp

Install bower globally

sudo npm install -g bower

Working folder

All the front-end source files have to be added/modified in the frontend/ folder.

cd frontend/

Installing all the local dependencies for our project

Once you are in the frontend/ folder install all the dependencies located in the package.json file.

npm install

Note: If you need permissions add sudo at the beginning.

Run all the tasks

This command in the console will execute all the default tasks contained in the gulpfile.js file.


Note: You can also run gulp [name-of-the-task] individually.

Install libraries with bower

bower install

Run watchers

gulp watch

This task will automatically open a browser window with the default welcome page where you can see the frontendlabs logo.


  • We're using a server made with Express.js
  • The default route is: http://localhost:3000/
  • You can configure the url by editing the server.js file, which is located in /frontend/config/server.js

You can also access any project route. By default you can find a blank page in the following route http://localhost:3000/postulante/home/index
