Permafrost portfolio website was made mainly with the goal of using it for securing a job in web design and development. It might be helpful to other students learning code to study the structure of HTML and CSS, and JavaScript; also helpful to potential employers to display my skill level.
Features: This website includes:
- Homepage with skills list, ASCII avatar & sample website pics
- About page with about blurb, target job blurb, target clients blurb, hobbies blurb & interests blurb
- Portfolio page:
- 3 design pieces with descriptions, case studies & links
- 3 development pieces with descriptions & links
- 3 sample photos
- Contact page with form and social media links in footer
How to run Permafrost website locally: Clone from Github into a local folder
ToDo list:
- Finish designing/developing vet website & horse rescue website so I can change out a couple website pieces for more appropriate ones for my intended clients.
- Make website full stack once I learn back-end
- Code users: please report any bugs or submit ideas for features