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nasm -f elf64 f.asm -o f.o

ld f.o -o f


  • Instruction

A command for the CPU to perform certain actions. E.g.

mov - Transfer data from one register to another

int - Is used to generate Interrupt, mostly to request services from OS(Sys Calls)

  • Register

A small storgae location in CPU, used to hold data and instructions temporarily.

There are two types,

  1. General Purpose
  2. Special Purpose


eax - Accumulator, Used to temporarily store results of computation.

ebx - Base pointer for memory access.

edx - I/O Operations, also holds intermediate results in arithmetic operations (e.g. remainder of a division).

ecx - Used for data manipulation. Often used as a counter in loop and string manipulation.

  • Directive

Assembler directives are special instructions in assembly language that provide guidance to the assembler on how to process the source code. E.g.,

data - Marks the beginning of a data segment where initialized data is defined.

text - Indicates the start of the code segment where executable instructions are located.

equ - Defines/assigns a constant value to a symbolic name

bss - Reserves space for uninitialized data.

org - Sets the origin or starting address for subsequent instructions or data.

  • Common Conditional Jumps
je A, B		; Jump if equal
jne A, B	; Jump if not equal
jg A, B		; Jump if greater
jge A, B	; Jump if greater or equal
jl A, B		; Jump if less
jle A, B	; Jump if less or equal
  • Stack

esp - Stack pointer, always points to the top of the stack in memory

  • Common Data Types

db - Stores 1 byte

dw - Stores 2 bytes

dd - Stores 4 bytes


Learning x86 Assembly w/ Intel Syntax




