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This project is forked from robot.js: https://robotjs.io/. The main purposes are as follows:
Use node-api to re-encapsulate the c++ interface. The original robot.js c++ package uses v8 api. Different node.js versions are not compatible. Switching node.js versions requires recompiling. Now using node-api, there is no such problem.
Need to solve the problem of typestring input being too slow The official library has been basically unmaintained since 2020. When I used version 0.6 of this library, I found that when using typestring, it takes a long time to input each character. Very poor experience.
Upgrade the dependent node-gyp version The node-gyp version used by the old robot.js is too low, and it also relies on python 2.7, a version that is no longer officially maintained. If the computer is in a python 3 environment, it will not compile.
It is convenient for bug checking and customization, and you can also learn the knowledge of node addon in sequence.
- Removed some useless interfaces.
- A lot of test cases have been removed. I feel that these test cases only check whether there are exceptions in the interface call, and cannot really test whether the interface is correct, which is a bit useless. It is possible to delete them all later.
npm install robotjs_addon
const robot = require("robotjs_addon");
robot.typeString("Hello World");
export function setKeyboardDelay(ms: number): void
export function setMouseDelay(delay: number): void
export function getScreenSize(): { width: number; height: number }
export function updateScreenMetrics(): void
export function keyTap(key: string, modifier?: string | string[]): void
export function keyToggle(key: string, down: string, modifier?: string | string[]): void
export function typeString(string: string): void
export function dragMouse(x: number, y: number): void
export function moveMouse(x: number, y: number): void
export function moveMouseSmooth(x: number, y: number, speed?: number): void
export function mouseClick(button?: MouseButton, double?: boolean): void
export function mouseToggle(down?: boolean, button?: MouseButton): void
export function scrollMouse(x: number, y: number): void
export function getMousePos(): { x: number; y: number }
This library has been pre-compiled for windows/linux/mac, and does not require a c++ compilation environment during installation.
npm install --build-from-source
npm run pack
Code using node-pre-gyp-github
This is just to explain, it has been integrated into github_action
go to Settings -> Developer settings
click Personal access tokens
click Generate new token
Select public_repo and repo_deployment
Generate Token
copy the key that's generated and set NODE_PRE_GYP_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to it. Within your command prompt:
After setting the environment variable NODE_PRE_GYP_GITHUB_TOKEN, you can publish it.
npm run release
Responsible for compiling node modules for each platform and uploading them to github release
Responsible for packaging npm package and uploading to npm registry
../node_modules/node-addon-api/napi-inl.h:2464:34: error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘Napi::CallbackInfo&’ to an rvalue of type ‘Napi::CallbackInfo’
The reason is
Napi::Object node_getMousePos(Napi::CallbackInfo &info)
The parameters should be added const
Napi::Object node_getMousePos(const Napi::CallbackInfo &info)
./src/mouse.c:12:10: fatal error: X11/extensions/XTest.h: No such file or directory
It says online that you need to install the library
$ sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
$ sudo yum install xorg-x11\*
If you have any questions, you can raise an issue and we can make progress together.