Simple template to start any Touchdesigner project.
The project consists in a folder hierarchy and a template .toe file. The standard project should be organized as follows:
- data: should contain all data, from images to audio files or fonts.
- scripts: general purpose scripts, often related to general behavior (what to do on program start) or scripts running on another Python instance.
- toxlib: use the externalization process described below.
- each module should have a folder containing the .tox file and the scripts used inside it.
- Tested and created on Windows 11 using Touchdesigner 2022.24200
- Conda environment tested using Miniconda3.
Inspired by this guide by Matthew Ragan.
- When you create a module, start creating a Base component.
- Navigate inside it and press CTRL+W to save. Locate it inside the ./toxlib folder.
- When you create a script (.py, .glsl etc...), right click on it and save it inside the module folder ./toxlib/YourModel. Remember to sync the DAT with the file so that any changes made inside TD will be reflected on the file and vice versa.
- If you create an Extension, save the corresponding .py file as
- 0.1
- Initial Release
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.