A Tiny Web Server written in C++ based on boost-asio and threads, easy to be integrated into other projects
- Programmed as a internal interface of server, to do non-critical task like monitoring and file downloading
- Need libboost_system-mt.so and c++11
- Based on asynchronous-I/O, both single thread and thread-pool are supported
- Basic features like GET/POST/PUT/HEAD supported, however most other HTTP specs may not conformed
- HTTP deflate compression is supported
- Very simple interface, only a callback function is necessary
- DO NOT USE IN KEY BUSINESS, for personal use before, still be experimental
- Any improvement is welcomed
- Refactor task-queue data structure (done)
- Better programmed request parser, especially need to add request header parsing (done)
- Get rid of boost::asio, refactor i/o directly on epoll instead (discarded)
- More control for server, like stop() and interface for status