This repository contains the code for the analysis of postdoc salary data performed for the paper: Assessing the Landscape of U.S. Postdoctoral Salaries (preprint).
• Preprocessing of the raw salary data is in the Jupyter notebook Pre-processing.ipynb run on Python version 3.5.2. The package pandas
needs to be installed for the code to run.
To protect the identity and sensitive information of the postdocs, the raw salary table containing postoc salaries, names and affiliations is not posted here, but description of the fields can be found in the Jupyter notebook. The table without postdoc names can be found at The preprocessed table, without the department and gender information can be found at Tables/Preprocessed_data.csv
• The analysis of the preprocessed data is in the file Analysis.R run using R version 3.4.3. The packages dplyr
, tidyr
, and ggplot2
need to be installed for the code to run.
• The Tables/
folder holds auxiliary tables used for the analysis of these data:
STEM.csv carries the STEM/non-STEM annotation used for each department in the dataset.
TableNIH.csv contains the NIH and NSF funding information as described in the manuscript.
Preprocessed_data.csv contains the rpreprocessed data, de-identified. This table can be used to recreate the analysis, with the exception of STEM/non-STEM and gender assignments. These fields were withheld to protect the identity of the postdocs.
• The Figures/
folder holds the figures as they appear in the paper. Feel free to download and use for your presentations but please reference this github repo or the original paper.
The folder also contains variations of the figures or auxiliary figures that relate to this work.
With the exception of Figure 1 and Supplementary Figure 1, details of how these figures were created will be found at Analysis.R. Figure 1 and Supplementary Figure 1 were created using different software but are included here for completion.