- True MVC structure with NodeJS , Express , MongoDB
- Login , # , Token based authentication , passport integrated
- Full CRUD implementation
- Relation implementation with User & Order object
- Custom Callback , middleware , functions implemented
- Bootstrap , Template engine implemented
- EJS implemented
- Environment variable used (mongoDB , Redis)
- Ready to deploy for Heroku node server
- Used Redis for caching (speed up user authentication)
Interactive REST API Doc : http://docs.restnodejs.apiary.io/
Deployed in Heroku https://rest-node-app.herokuapp.com/
Note : Procfile is used to tell Heroku how to start that application . If you run this in localhost , you need not to use that file
Login credential (niltest3/123456) or register here https://mean-web-client.herokuapp.com/#/register
Snapshots : http://youraddons.com/gallery/mean-mobile-client-ionic/