A Python library based on LVGL. I haven't worked on this project in several months, but I plan to return to it eventually.
from lvgl.widgets.app import App
from lvgl.widgets.button import Button
from lvgl.widgets.keyboard import Keyboard
from lvgl.widgets.text_area import TextArea
from lvgl.widgets.tabview import TabView
class Main(App):
display_driver = 'gtkdrv'
width = 1024
height = 768
title = 'Shaper'
def build_auto_tab(self, tab):
tab.layout = 'grid'
with tab:
Button(label='start', align_type='in_bottom_left')
def build_edit_tab(self, tab):
tab.scrollbar_mode = 'off'
with tab:
editor = TextArea(align_type='in_top_left', width=int(tab.width * .8), height=tab.height // 2)
load_button = Button(label='Load', align_to=editor, align_type='out_right_top', align_x=50)
Button(label='Save', align_to=load_button, align_type='out_bottom_left')
keyboard = Keyboard(textarea=editor)
def build_jog_tab(self, tab):
tab.layout = 'grid'
with tab:
Button(label='-', height=tab.height, width=tab.width // 3)
Button(label='+', align_type='in_top_right', height=tab.height, width=tab.width // 3)
def build(self):
self.window.layout = 'grid'
main = TabView(tabs=['Auto','Edit', 'Jog', 'Offset'])
Main(input_device_path='/dev/input/event21', input_device_symbol='bullet').run()