This is my undergraduate thesis project at Oregon State University for the Honors College. It's also my capstone project for the College of Engineering, school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My advisor is Dr. Mike Rosulek, an associate professor who focuses on cryptographic protocols for secure computation.
The goal of this project is to perform a secure two-party computation on a commodity smartphone (the Pine64 PinePhone) with the help of an FPGA coprocessor (the iCE40 UP5K), and for all code and configuration to be my own (within reason). This means I wrote my own cryptographic libraries and hardware. It's a bad idea to use self-made crypto (without extensive and ongoing review) in a security-sensitive situation, so this project only serves as a proof-of-concept.
and the
in separate terminals (in that order, on different computers if you like) to evaluate the specified garbled circuit. You'll need a plaintext circuit definition file in the Bristol Fashion format. The current implementation supports four gates: AND, XOR, INV, and EQW (referred to as BUF in some places).
If you want to use FPGA acceleration, run make prog
in the FPGA directory, then connect the FPGA to the device on which you're running
and it should be detected and used automatically.
Read the paper for all the fine details!