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Upgrading to gaffa 1.11.0 (and 1.10)

Kory Nunn edited this page Jul 16, 2014 · 1 revision

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes for end developers from 1.9.0

For viewItem developers, the method for checking if the value of a property has changed since last time has changed to a much better system as outlined below. Any custom sameAsPrevious methods will no longer be used.

What's new?


you can now specify when a property will update via the watchChanges property:

var linkItems = new Link();

linkItems.source.binding = '(filter [items] {item (< item.size 10)})';

linkItems.source.watchChanges = 'keys'; 
// The source property will only update if the result of its
// binding has different keys to its previous result = '[filteredItems]';


Arbitrary scope can be manually assigned to ViewItems and Properties. This makes passing values into expressions much easier:

var set = new Set();

set.source.binding = '(+ a b)';
set.source.scope = {
}; = '[thing]';

scope is inherited from parent ViewItems or Properties, and may be modified by certain ViewItems, eg:

// A child action to trigger.
var set = new Set();
set.source.binding = 'number'; // 'number' has been put in scope by the Scope action. = '[number]';

// A scope action puts a variable, 'number' into scope, with the value of 123
var scope = new Scope();
scope.scope.value = {number:123};

// Assign the child to be run when the scope action is triggered.
scope.actions.trigger = [set];