A matrix calculator made in Java with simple GUI using java.swing library. This repository contains files needed for Tubes 1 Algeo. The project we're making is a Java library for Linear Algebra problems (specifically matrices). This includes SPL, Determinant, Inverse, and others. Contributors:
- 13520016 Gagas Praharsa Bahar
- 13520044 Adiyansa Prasetya Wicaksana
- 13520081 Andhika Arta Aryanto
- Java language
- Solving linear systems of equations using Gauss, Gauss-Jordan, Inverse, and Cramer methods
- Solving determinants using Cofactor and Inverse matrix methods
- Making inverse matrices using Gauss elimination and Adjoint matrix methods
- Solving interpolation problems
- Solving double regression problems
├───bin # Bytecode-containing folder
│ ├───Algorithm
│ │ Interpolate.class
│ │ Invers.class
│ │ Operation.class
│ │ Regression.class
│ │ SPL.class
│ │
│ ├───Main
│ │ Main.class
│ │
│ ├───Matrix
│ │ Matrix.class
│ │ MatrixInput.class
│ │
│ └───Utility
│ Output.class
│ UI.class
├───doc # documentation
├───src # Source code
│ ├───Algorithm # Algorithm package
│ │ Interpolate.java
│ │ Invers.java
│ │ Operation.java
│ │ Regression.java
│ │ SPL.java
│ │
│ ├───Main # Main package
│ │ Main.java
│ │
│ ├───Matrix # Matrix package
│ │ Matrix.java
│ │ MatrixInput.java
│ │
│ └───Utility # Utility package
│ Output.java
│ UI.java
└───test # Testing cases
│ mat.txt
│ matrix_test_case.txt
│ spl1.txt
│ spl2.txt
│ spl3.txt
│ spl4.txt
│ studikasus1a.txt
│ studikasus1b.txt
│ studikasus1c.txt
│ studikasus1d10.txt
│ studikasus1d6.txt
│ studikasus1dd10.txt
│ studikasus2a.txt
│ studikasus2b.txt
│ studikasus3a.txt
│ studikasus3b.txt
│ studikasus4.txt
│ studikasus5.txt
│ studikasus6a.txt
│ studikasus6b.txt
│ studikasus6c.txt
│ studikasus7.txt
└───result # Result file directory
(if already compiled go to step 3)
- Go to src folder
- Compile all source code files with this command:
javac -d ..\bin Matrix/*.java Algorithm/*.java Utility/*.java Main/*.java
- Go to bin folder
- Run the Main.Main program using the command :
java Main.Main
- note: if UnsupportedClassVersionError, recompile the code using step 2. this means your java version doesnt support.
- Thanks to Allah SWT
- Thanks to Mr. Rinaldi Munir, Mr. Jodhi, and Mr. Rila as our Lecturers
- Thanks to academic assistants
- This project was created to fulfill our Big Project for IF2123 Linear and Geometric Algebra
Created by SEI SAPI MANG DODZ Group.
All rights reserved