This is a SAML 2.0 authentication provider for Node.js. This was forked from passport-saml
at v3.0.0 and will become the SAML implementation for passport-saml
. When this is mature, passport-saml
will have code removed and replaced by a dependency on this library.
The code was originally based on Michael Bosworth's express-saml library.
For now
$ npm install
Once the first release is done, this will be available at
$ npm install node-saml
The examples utilize the Feide OpenIdp identity provider. You need an account there to log in with this. You also need to register your site as a service provider.
The SAML identity provider will redirect you to the URL provided by the path
const { SAML } = require("node-saml");
const options = {};
const saml = new SAML(options);
: full callbackUrl (overrides path/protocol if supplied) -
: path to callback; will be combined with protocol and server host information to construct callback url ifcallbackUrl
is not specified (default:/saml/consume
) -
: protocol for callback; will be combined with path and server host information to construct callback url ifcallbackUrl
is not specified (default:http://
) -
: host for callback; will be combined with path and protocol to construct callback url ifcallbackUrl
is not specified (default:localhost
) -
: identity provider entrypoint (is required to be spec-compliant when the request is signed) -
: issuer string to supply to identity provider -
: expected saml response Audience, defaults to value of Issuer (iffalse
, Audience won't be verified) -
: the IDP's public signing certificate used to validate the signatures of the incoming SAML Responses, see Security and signatures -
: see Security and signatures. -
: optional private key that will be used to attempt to decrypt any encrypted assertions that are received -
: optionally set the signature algorithm for signing requests, valid values are 'sha1' (default), 'sha256', or 'sha512' -
: optionally set the digest algorithm used to provide a digest for the signed data object, valid values are 'sha1' (default), 'sha256', or 'sha512' -
: optionally set an array of signature transforms to be used in HTTP-POST signatures. By default this is[ '', '' ]
Additional SAML behaviors
: dictionary of additional query params to add to all requests; if an object with this key is passed toauthenticate
, the dictionary of additional query params will be appended to those present on the returned URL, overriding any specified by initialization options' additional parameters (additionalParams
, andadditionalLogoutParams
) -
: dictionary of additional query params to add to 'authorize' requests -
: optional name identifier format to request from identity provider (default:urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
) -
: grants permission to the identity provider to create a new subject identifier (default:true
) -
: optionally specifies that the assertion subject's identifier be returned (or created) in the namespace of another service provider, or in the namespace of an affiliation of service providers -
: if truthy, addWantAssertionsSigned="true"
to the metadata, to specify that the IdP should always sign the assertions. -
: Time in milliseconds of skew that is acceptable between client and server when checkingOnBefore
assertion condition validity timestamps. Setting to-1
will disable checking these conditions entirely. Default is0
. -
: Amount of time after which the framework should consider an assertion expired. If the limit imposed by this variable is stricter than the limit imposed byNotOnOrAfter
, this limit will be used when determining if an assertion is expired. -
: optionalAttributeConsumingServiceIndex
attribute to add to AuthnRequest to instruct the IDP which attribute set to attach to the response (link) -
: if truthy, do not request a specific authentication context. This is known to help when authenticating against Active Directory (AD FS) servers. -
: if truthy, name identifier format to request auth context (default:urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
); array of values is also supported -
: Requested Authentication Context comparison type. Possible values are 'exact','minimum','maximum','better'. Default is 'exact'. -
: if set to true, the initial SAML request from the service provider specifies that the IdP should force re-authentication of the user, even if they possess a valid session. -
: if set to true, specifies that the IdP must not visibly take control of the user interface and interact with the user. -
: optional human-readable name of the requester for use by the presenter's user agent or the identity provider -
: if set to true, the SAML request from the service provider won't be compressed. -
: if set toHTTP-POST
, will request authentication from IDP via HTTP POST binding, otherwise defaults to HTTP Redirect -
: if truthy, SAML AuthnRequest from the service provider will not include the optional AssertionConsumerServiceURL. Default is falsy so it is automatically included. -
: optional function which will be called to generate unique IDs for SAML requests. -
: An optional configuration which implements the functionality explained in the SAML spec paragraph " Element ". The config object is structured as following: -
: if true, adds a signature to the generated Service Provider metadata.privateKey
must be set to use this option.
idpList: [ // optional
entries: [ // required
providerId: 'yourProviderId', // required for each entry
name: 'yourName', // optional
loc: 'yourLoc', // optional
getComplete: 'URI to your complete IDP list', // optional
proxyCount: 2, // optional
requesterId: 'requesterId', // optional
InResponseTo Validation
:- if
, then InResponseTo will be validated from incoming SAML responses - if
, then InResponseTo won't be validated - if
, then InResponseTo will only be validated if present in the incoming SAML response
- if
: Defines the expiration time when a Request ID generated for a SAML request will not be valid if seen in a SAML response in theInResponseTo
field. Default is 8 hours. -
: Defines the implementation for a cache provider used to store request Ids generated in SAML requests as part ofInResponseTo
validation. Default is a built-in in-memory cache provider. For details see the 'Cache Provider' section. -
Issuer Validation
: if provided, then the IdP issuer will be validated for incoming Logout Requests/Responses. For ADFS this looks like
: if truthy,req
will be passed as the first argument to the verify callback (default:false
) -
: Optionally, provide a custom name. (default:saml
). Useful If you want to instantiate the strategy multiple times with different configurations, allowing users to authenticate against multiple different SAML targets from the same site. You'll need to use a unique set of URLs for each target, and use this custom name when callingpassport.authenticate()
as well. -
: base address to call with logout requests (default:entryPoint
) -
: dictionary of additional query params to add to 'logout' requests -
: The value with which to populate theLocation
attribute in theSingleLogoutService
elements in the generated service provider metadata. -
SAML Authn Request Extensions
: Optional, The SAML extension provides a more flexible structure for expressing which combination of Attributes are requested by service providers in comparison to the existing mechanisms, More about extensions. There are many possible values for thesamlAuthnRequestExtensions
element. It accepts fully customize XMLBuilder type.
// Example
samlAuthnRequestExtensions: {
"md:RequestedAttribute": {
"@isRequired": "true",
"@Name": "Lastname",
"@xmlns:md": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"
vetuma: {
"@xmlns": "urn:vetuma:SAML:2.0:extensions",
LG: {
"#text": "sv",
- SAML Logout Request Extensions
: Optional, The SAML extension provides a more flexible structure for expressing which combination of Attributes are requested by service providers in comparison to the existing mechanisms, More about extensions. There are many possible values for thesamlLogoutRequestExtensions
element. It accepts fully customize XMLBuilder type.
// Example
samlLogoutRequestExtensions: {
vetuma: {
"@xmlns": "urn:vetuma:SAML:2.0:extensions",
LG: {
"#text": "sv",
As a convenience, the strategy object exposes a generateServiceProviderMetadata
method which will generate a service provider metadata document suitable for supplying to an identity provider. This method will only work on strategies which are configured with a callbackUrl
(since the relative path for the callback is not sufficient information to generate a complete metadata document).
The decryptionCert
argument should be a public certificate matching the decryptionPvk
and is required if the strategy is configured with a decryptionPvk
The signingCert
argument should be a public certificate matching the privateKey
and is required if the strategy is configured with a privateKey
. An array of certificates can be provided to support certificate rotation. When supplying an array of certificates, the first entry in the array should match the current privateKey
. Additional entries in the array can be used to publish upcoming certificates to IdPs before changing the privateKey
Passport-SAML uses the HTTP Redirect Binding for its AuthnRequest
s (unless overridden with the authnRequestBinding
parameter), and expects to receive the messages back via the HTTP POST binding.
Authentication requests sent by Passport-SAML can be signed using RSA signature with SHA1, SHA256 or SHA512 hashing algorithms.
To select hashing algorithm, use:
signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1' // (default, but not recommended anymore these days)
signatureAlgorithm: 'sha256', // (preferred - your IDP should support it, otherwise think about upgrading it)
signatureAlgorithm: 'sha512' // (most secure - check if your IDP supports it)
To sign them you need to provide a private key in the PEM format via the privateKey
configuration key.
Formats supported for privateKey
field are,
- Well formatted PEM:
<private key contents here delimited at 64 characters per row>
<private key contents here delimited at 64 characters per row>
(both versions work) See example from tests of the first version of well formatted private key.
- Alternatively a single line private key without start/end lines where all rows are joined into single line:
See example from tests of singleline private key.
Add it to strategy options like this:
privateKey: fs.readFileSync("./privateKey.pem", "utf-8");
It is a good idea to validate the signatures of the incoming SAML Responses. For this, you can provide the Identity Provider's public PEM-encoded X.509 signing certificate using the cert
configuration key. The "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "END CERTIFICATE" lines should be stripped out and the certificate should be provided on a single line.
cert: "MIICizCCAfQCCQCY8tKaMc0BMjANBgkqh ... W==";
If you have a certificate in the binary DER encoding, you can convert it to the necessary PEM encoding like this:
openssl x509 -inform der -in my_certificate.cer -out my_certificate.pem
If the Identity Provider has multiple signing certificates that are valid (such as during the rolling from an old key to a new key and responses signed with either key are valid) then the cert
configuration key can be an array:
cert: ["MIICizCCAfQCCQCY8tKaMc0BMjANBgkqh ... W==", "MIIEOTCCAyGgAwIBAgIJAKZgJdKdCdL6M ... g="];
The cert
configuration key can also be a function that receives a callback as argument calls back a possible error and a certificate or array of certificates. This allows the Identity Provider to be polled for valid certificates and the new certificate can be used if it is changed:
cert: function(callback) { callback(null,polledCertificates); }
Here is a configuration that has been proven to work with ADFS:
entryPoint: '',
issuer: '',
callbackUrl: '',
cert: 'MIICizCCAfQCCQCY8tKaMc0BMjANBgkqh ... W==',
authnContext: '',
identifierFormat: null
Please note that ADFS needs to have a trust established to your service in order for this to work.
For more detailed instructions, see ADFS documentation.
If the NotBefore
or the NotOnOrAfter
attributes are returned in the SAML response, Passport-SAML will validate them
against the current time +/- a configurable clock skew value. The default for the skew is 0s. This is to account for
differences between the clock time on the client (Node server with Passport-SAML) and the server (Identity provider).
and NotOnOrAfter
can be part of either the SubjectConfirmation
element, or within in the Assertion/Conditions
in the SAML response.
When configured (turn validateInResponseTo
to always
in the Passport-SAML config), the InResponseTo
attribute will be validated.
Validation will succeed if Passport-SAML previously generated a SAML request with an id that matches the value of InResponseTo
Also note that InResponseTo
is validated as an attribute of the top level Response
element in the SAML response, as well
as part of the SubjectConfirmation
Previous request id's generated for SAML requests will eventually expire. This is controlled with the requestIdExpirationPeriodMs
passed into the Passport-SAML config. The default is 28,800,000 ms (8 hours). Once expired, a subsequent SAML response
received with an InResponseTo
equal to the expired id will not validate and an error will be returned.
When InResponseTo
validation is turned on, Node SAML will store generated request ids used in SAML requests to the IdP. The implementation
of how things are stored, checked to see if they exist, and eventually removed is handled by the configured CacheProvider
The default implementation is a simple in-memory cache provider. For multiple server/process scenarios, this will not be sufficient as
the server/process that generated the request id and stored in memory could be different than the server/process handling the
SAML response. The InResponseTo
could fail in this case erroneously.
To support this scenario you can create a cache provider that implements the following interface:
interface CacheProvider {
// Store an item in the cache, using the specified key and value.
saveAsync(key: string, value: string): Promise<CacheItem | null>;
// Returns the value of the specified key in the cache
getAsync(key: string): Promise<string | null>;
// Removes an item from the cache if the key exists
removeAsync(key: string): Promise<string | null>;
Passport-SAML has built in support for SLO including
- Signature validation
- IdP initiated and SP initiated logouts
- Decryption of encrypted name identifiers in IdP initiated logout
SAML Protocol Bindings
See Changelog
We only support Long-Term Support versions of Node.
We specifically limit our support to LTS versions of Node, not because this package won't work on other versions, but because we have a limited amount of time, and supporting LTS offers the greatest return on that investment.
It's possible this package will work correctly on newer versions of Node. It may even be possible to use this package on older versions of Node, though that's more unlikely as we'll make every effort to take advantage of features available in the oldest LTS version we support.
As each Node LTS version reaches its end-of-life we will remove that version from the node
property of our package's package.json
file. Removing a Node version is considered a breaking change and will entail the publishing of a new major version of this package. We will not accept any requests to support an end-of-life version of Node. Any merge requests or issues supporting an end-of-life version of Node will be closed.
We will accept code that allows this package to run on newer, non-LTS, versions of Node.