Cinématographe is a React/Nextjs/GraphQL application that consumes the OMDb API and displays information to the user about movies that they have searched for.
Run the following commands in a terminal:
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Navigate to newly cloned repository.
cd cinematographe
- Use NPM to install the application.
npm install
- If necessary, run an audit fix in npm.
npm audit fix
- Obtain an OMDb API key from OMDb API.
- Create a local environment configuration file.
touch .env.local
- Add the three required values to the .env.local file.
// .env.local
BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3000/"
- Start the application
npm run dev
- In a browser, navigate to
. Note that this is http, not https, due to local SSL cert warnings.
Cinématographe is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the attached license file for more information.