PSNessusDB is a Powershell and Microsoft Access toolkit for parsing and analyzing Tennable Nessus Scan results. It was designed to aid information security professionals with processing and evaluting large, complex result sets with minimal installation requirements. PSNessusDB is comprised of the following components:
##Powershell Module The PSNessusDB Powershell module is designed to quickly import Nessus results into an Microsoft 2007 Access backend database. It works by anaylzing a Nessus_V2 file, locating all ReportHost entries. It then extracts and parses each entry into the database.
##Usage Intial Installation
Place the PSNessusDB folder into one of your module directories:
- \Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
- \System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules The PowerShell module paths are listed in the $Env:PSModulePath environment variable.
Save the NATemplate.accdb file to a new name and location. This will be where the database where the results are stored.
Open Powershell, import the PSNessusDB module and create variables to your .nessus and .accdb files
PS> Import-Module PSNessusDB
PS> $file = "c:\path\to\file.nessus" ---- or ---- PS> $dir = "c:\path\to\nessusfiles"
PS> $db = "c:\path\to\db.accdb" (saved in Step 2)
Run the applicable script to import Nessus results into a powershell database a. Single File: PS> Import-PSNessusDB $file $db
b. Directory (recursive): PS c:\ps-nessus-accdb> gci $dir -filter "*.nessus" | Import-PSNessusDB -d $db
##Database Schema Files - Nessus File information Hosts - Host Information PluginInfo - Plugin Information that does not change between findings ReportItem - Specfic finding information per host.
##Import-PSNessusDB Help Comments
Imports a Nessus_V2 file into a Microsoft Access Database
A Powershell cmdlet that takes a Nessus_V2 file as an input and parses it into an Access Database.
Accepts $Fullname parameters from the pipeline for processing multiple files at once.
Utilizes a multi-level logging module for configurable logging outputs
Supports --debug and --verbose flags for additional information
Alias: f or file
Absolute or Relative path to Nessus File. Accepts Pipeline Inputs
Alias: db
Absolute or Relative path to PSNessusDB Access Database File
Alias: l
Absolute or Relative path
Enables All Logging
Disables all logging
Single File Processing
$file = "C:\Path\To\Scan.nessus"
$db = "C:\Path\To\Scan.accdb"
$LogFile = "C:\Path\To\scan.log"
Import-PSNessusDB -f $File -db $db -l $log
Pipeline Processing
$dir = "C:\Path\To"
Get-ChildItem -d $dir -include *.nessus -recurse -force | Import-PSNessusDB -f $file -db $db -l $log
Nessus_V2 File
Microsoft Access Database
Joshua Poehls (Jpoehls): https://github.com/jpoehls/hulk-example/blob/master/_posts/2013/2013-01-24-benchmarking-with-Powershell.md
Hemanth.D: http://sqlchow.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/creating-a-logging-framework-in-powershell-the-final-part/
SANTOSH: http://aspdotnetcodebook.blogspot.com/2013/04/boyer-moore-search-algorithm.html