A collection of examples of interactive plots using GLMakie. The excellent website Beautiful Makie has lots of great examples using Makie.jl, but it's still hard to find somewhat more complex examples using GLMakie's interactive features. Making interactive plots in Makie is quite easy compared to a lot of other software, and can be an important part of a workflow for visualizing data or models. Each example is completely self-contained, except if clearly mentioned. Hopefully these examples are a great starting point for more ideas.
Screen recordings of these examples are in the demos
The slider examples show different ways to use Makie's Slider
or SliderGrid
objects. They show how to update a plot when a function updates. Some of these are quite complicated and many aspects of the plot are interdependent Observables
that all update with each other. You can use @lift
to create a web of several linked Observables
with complex mathematical functions, but the plots still update smoothly.
- Sum of two sines
- Gaussian wavepacket with sine and exponential components and several variables
- Adjustable Morse potential for a diatomic molecule
There is one example with a heatmap that represents the two-dimensional raw data. As you move the cursor over the heatmap, two plots update with the data from the heatmap. One plot shows the data along the x-axis, and the other along the y-axis.
The live plot example simulates a device that writes data to a file. It uses FileWatching.jl to watch a folder for a new file, load the data using DataFrames.jl, display the plot, and update the axis limits. In this example, move one of the files in device
to output
after running the script.
If you have a suggestion for other examples, or you have made a cool interactive plot with GLMakie, please let me know and it may be included.
- J. P. Dahl and M. Springborg, The Morse Oscillator in Position Space, Momentum Space, and Phase Space, The Journal of Chemical Physics 88, 4535 (1988).
- https://scipython.com/blog/the-morse-oscillator/
- https://scipython.com/blog/visualizing-vibronic-transitions-in-a-diatomic-molecule/