A command-line tool to organize resources by Resource Orchestration Service for Alibaba Cloud.
Usage: aliros [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A command-line tool to organize resources by Resource Orchestration Service
for Alibaba Cloud.
--version Show version information.
--region TEXT Target region to use
--profile TEXT Name of profile to use
--help Show this message and exit.
abandon-stack Abandon the specified stack.
create-stack Create a new stack.
delete-stack Delete the specified stack.
describe-resource-type Describe resource type.
describe-resource-type-template Describe resource type template.
describe-stack Describe the specified stack.
describe-stack-resource Describe the specified resource in stack.
describe-stack-template Describe template of the specified stack.
list-regions List available regions.
list-resource-types List available resource types.
list-stack-events List events of the specified stack.
list-stack-resources List resources of the specified stack.
list-stacks List stacks.
preview-stack Preview of creating stack.
update-stack Update the specified stack.
validate-template Validate the specified template.
Copyright (C) 2024 Garrett HE garrett.he@outlook.com
The BSD 3-Clause License, see LICENSE.