This repository contains a number of independent Kotlin / Gradle projects. These are used as samples within the KotlinConf 2024 talk entitled Managing Complexity with Ktor by Garth Gilmour. All the projects are based around the idea of a microservice that provides endopoints for querying Stack Exchange.
The projects are as follows:
- kotlin-conf-notebooks - Provides a notebook which uses the built-in support for Ktor Client in Kotlin Notebook.
- kotlin-conf-testing - Shows how to use the built-in Ktor testing framework to validate your services and mock out dependencies.
- kotlin-conf-koin - Covers integrating Ktor with the Koin library, for the purpose of injecting dependencies.
- kotlin-conf-websockets - Demonstrates how to configure support for WebSockets in Ktor microservices, allowing you to incrementally stream data down to a client.
- kotlin-conf-graphql - Uses GraphQL, instead of REST, for querying and modifying data.
- kotlin-conf-native-server - Demonstrates how to configure and build a Ktor microservice using the Kotlin Native compiler.
- kotlin-conf-opentelemetry - Instruments the endpoints in the sample service via the OpenTelemetry plugin, allowing you to monitor your application via tools like Jaeger.
- kmp-ktor-retries - Contains a Compose Multiplatform client, which uses the retry functionality in Ktor Client to repeatedly attempt to access a service.