The goal of the hackathon was to build some image processing algorithm which can be helpful for PicsArt applications.
Here I publish results of the first stage: segmenting people on selfies.
PicsArt gave us labeled dataset. Dice coef. was used as evaluation metric.
I noticed that a lot of images has been labeled by another segmentation model due to a lot of artifacts around the masks borders. Also in test dataset appears copies of train set images. So after training, I did not expect good results on images "from the wild".
For this problem I used fairly common bce-dice loss. So the algorithm is simple: we take a logits output from model and put it inside binary cross-enthropy loss and the natural logarithm of dice loss (after passing sigmoid function). After that we only need to combine these losses with weights:
dice_loss = (2. * intersection + eps) / (union + eps)
loss = w * BCELoss + (1 - w) * log(dice_loss) * (-1)
Also, in this case, we don't need to tune tresholds of final pseudo-probabilities (after sigmoid).
Finally we can adjust weights to the mask (I did it inside BCELoss), to penalize model for mistakes around the mask borders. For this purpose we can use opencv erosion kernel-operation:
def get_mask_weight(mask):
mask_ = cv2.erode(mask, kernel=np.ones((8,8),np.uint8), iterations=1)
mask_ = mask-mask_
return mask_ + 1
On the picture below we can see how the input data looks like:
I used modification of unet (which is well recommended for solving binary semantic segmentation problems) with two encoders pretrained on Imagenet: resnet101 and mobilenetV2. One of the goals was to compare the performance of "heavy" and "light" encoders.
You can check all training params inside
python3 --train_path ./data/train_data --workdir ./data/ --model_type mobilenetV2
Data augmentation was provided via brilliant albumentaions library.
Inside the
code you can find learning rate scheduling, encoder weights freezeing and some other useful hacks which can help to train networks in more efficient way. Also passing the parameter model_type
you are able to choose one of the predefined models based on: resnet18, resnet34, resnet50, resnet101, mobilenetV2.
So, in the end I've got two trained models with close Dice values on a validation set. Here is a few numbers:
Encoder: | ResNet101 | MobileNetV2 |
epochs (best of 200) | 177 | 173 |
Dice | 0.987 (0.988) | 0.986 (0.988) |
loss | 0.029 (0.022) | 0.030 (0.024) |
No. of parameters | 120 131 745 | 4 682 912 |
ResNet101 evaluation process:
MobileNetV2 evaluation process:
Despite the fact that mobilenetV2 has ~x26 less weights and at the same time we are able to get models with pretty similar quality, we did it with this particullar problem using this particullar dataset. So I don't think it extends on any other classification problem.
Inference time comparison on my work-station with input images 320x256 from the test-set:
Device | ResNet101 | MobileNetV2 |
AMD Threadripper 1900X CPU (4 threads) | 2.08 s ± 7.58 ms | 345 ms ± 3.21 ms |
GTX 1080Ti GPU | 31.6 ms ± 897 µs | 22 ms ± 622 µs |
Often, output masks contain some noise on the borders (which is become more annoying on large images), so we can try to fix it applying morhological transform:
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5,5))
y_pred[:, :, -1] = cv2.morphologyEx(y_pred[:, :, -1], cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
Original | Transformed |
![]() |
![]() |
Additionaly we can transform segmented images. For instance let's make a gaussian blur of a background:
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(test_dataset[n],(21,21),0)
dst = cv2.bitwise_and(blurred, blurred, mask=~out[0][:, :, -1])
dst = cv2.add(cv2.bitwise_and(test_dataset[n], test_dataset[n], mask=out[0][:, :, -1]), dst)
And actually we can process videos too (see
). Example below is a video made by me with a cellphone (original image size: 800x450):
These results has been obtained with mobilenetV2 model. You can play with it too, here is it's weights and CoreML models.
python3 -p ./test --model_path ./models/mobilenetV2_model --gpu -1 --frame_rate 12 --denoise_borders --biggest_side 320
This script reads all the data inside -p
folder: both pictures and videos.
Finally, we can convert trained mobilenetV2 model with CoreML to make inference on the IOS devices. The pipeline is simple: torch --> ONNX --> CoreML. To make this happen, don't keep encoder layers separatly inside the model class - use them in forward pass. Also, with the certain versions of torch and onnx (see requirements.txt
), you can't convert upsampling / interpolation layers (so place them outside the model, as a post-processing step). Hope it will be fixed in the future releases.
python3 --tmp_onnx ./models/tmp.onnx --weights_path ./models/mobilenetV2_model/mobilenetV2_model_checkpoint_metric.pth
For your own experiments I highly recommend to use Deepo as a fast way to deploy universal deep-learning environment inside a Docker container. Other dependencies can be found in requirements.txt