Fast WSI prediction by ScanNet in PyTorch.
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) detection on Whole Slide Image (WSI) by deep learning method equipped with ScanNet fully conv. scheme for fast WSI prediction.
279 slides with IDC ROI annotations.
Ratio of 6:2:2 for training, validation and testing separation.
Tiling small patch with 50*50 at 2.5x magnification for non-IDC
and IDC
class, binary classification task.
patches distribution | non-IDC | IDC |
training | 111090 | 49204 |
validation | 45356 | 15354 |
testing | 42292 | 14228 |
- Replace the original
for training - Train the
model for classification, same as original training process - Check the performance on
dataset and select the best model in terms of F1 score - Test and evaluate your trained
model onTesting
dataset in patch-level - Input the block with bigger size, Infer and predict the probability map for one WSI and show it!
We significantly improve the inferring time by the ScanNet scheme.
Replaced the last GAP and fc. in VGG
with AvgPooling with 2x2 kernel size followed by 2 convs with 1x1 kernel,
self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, kernel_size=1, stride=1),
nn.Conv2d(out_channel, num_classes, kernel_size=1, stride=1))
Also, we modify the VGG
network due to our small training size, and, we remove padding operation in convolutional layer to avoid the border effect arcoss testing blocks. You can refer to for more details.
The overall network structure for our architecture is shown:
Our overall network structure |
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Noting: The core part for Fast WSI is the step of sliding window of testing block. You can refer to for details in function fast_wsi_pred()
We shows the curves of training loss and validation accuracy, see below:
Training loss curve | Validation accuracy |
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Confusion matrics | Postive pred | Negtive pred | |
Postive | 11041 | 3187 | = 14228 |
Negtive | 3391 | 38901 | = 42292 |
- Accuracy : 0.8836
- Specificity : 0.9198
- Recall : 0.7760
- Precision : 0.7650
- F1Score : 0.7705
The valuable thing is that we achieve a fast WSI prediction method, not accuracy or performance improvement.
We show one WSI prediction probability map below, the size of the original WSI is 13440*10560, and the size of the output prediction map is 834*654.
it only takes about 4s!
Original WSI Image | Predicted Prob. Maps |
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