Tags: gaurav-arya/AbstractFFTs.jl
## AbstractFFTs v1.1.0 [Diff since v1.0.1](JuliaMath/AbstractFFTs.jl@v1.0.1...v1.1.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Add ChainRules definitions (JuliaMath#58) (@devmotion)
## AbstractFFTs v1.0.1 [Diff since v1.0.0](JuliaMath/AbstractFFTs.jl@v1.0.0...v1.0.1) **Closed issues:** - Roadmap to 1.0? (JuliaMath#47) **Merged pull requests:** - Mention implementation in FastTransforms.jl (JuliaMath#29) (@antoine-levitt) - Make minimum/maximum generic for Frequencies (JuliaMath#54) (@platawiec)
## AbstractFFTs v1.0.0 [Diff since v0.5.0](JuliaMath/AbstractFFTs.jl@v0.5.0...v1.0.0) **Closed issues:** - Type instability in fftshift/ifftshift (JuliaMath#36) - Support for DoubleFloats (JuliaMath#39) - Add support of Frequencies on non-0 Nyquist Band to fftfreq? (JuliaMath#41) **Merged pull requests:** - Simplify expression (JuliaMath#37) (@emmt) - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (JuliaMath#38) (@JuliaTagBot) - Use tuples in fftshift, and add copy method (JuliaMath#40) (@mcabbott) - Update docstrings for fftfreq and rfftfreq (JuliaMath#43) (@jishnub) - Lazy broadcasting for Frequencies (JuliaMath#44) (@jishnub) - Fast extrema computation for Frequencies (JuliaMath#45) (@jishnub) - Update TagBot.yml (JuliaMath#46) (@jishnub) - Improve inferrability (JuliaMath#48) (@timholy) - MassInstallAction: Install the CI workflow on this repository (JuliaMath#49) (@timholy) - MassInstallAction: Install the Documenter workflow on this repository (JuliaMath#50) (@timholy)
Delete REQUIRE, set Project.toml version to 0.4.1 (JuliaMath#25)
Updates for Julia 1.0+ (JuliaMath#22) This drops support for Julia versions prior to 1.0, allowing us to simplify version checking logic and drop the dependency on Compat. This also updates the documentation setup.
The `julia` keyword argument to `Documenter.deploydocs` (JuliaMath#14) will be required in the future instead of automatically defaulting to `julia = "nightly" (see JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl#712, JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl#526). This commit adds `julia = "nightly"` to `Documenter.deploydocs`.
Use triangular dispatch in `eltype` definition (JuliaMath#11)
Merge pull request JuliaMath#10 from martinholters/fixes_0.7 Fixes for Julia 0.7 (and drop support for a range of DEV versions)
Merge pull request JuliaMath#9 from martinholters/fix_normalization_i… …nference Add a typeassert in `normalization`