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Gazebosim Web Frontend

  • Framework: Angular
  • CI: Github actio
  • CD: GitLab actiosn + AWS CloudFront


One-time setup

  1. Clone this repo and move to the clone:

     git clone
     cd web
  2. This repository comes with an example setup.bash file which works with the API at Edit that file with your own Auth0 and backend information. Always remember to source this file before serving:

    . setup.bash
  3. Install (be sure you have npm and nodejs version 8)

     nvm use 16
     npm install

Serve for development

npm start

Build for production

npm run build


Deployment of this project has moved to the gazebosim/docs project.


To run tests, use the following command:

npm run test

The results can be seen in the console. You can also check the generated coverage in ./coverage/html/index.html.

In order to see console.log lines, you need to modify ./config/karma.conf.js to captureConsole=true.


We use Typedoc to generate documentation. You can generate it with the following command:

npm run docs

You can access the generated docs in ./doc/index.html.

Naming conventions

Following the Angular Style Guide, we use the gz preffix for the selector of our Components and Directives.


The Angular single page app in this project uses code from to deploy with Github Pages.