esp8266 weather station for Nokia 5110 monochrome LCD display using Daniel Eichhorn's (squix78) library.
This code uses the Adafruit GFX libraries and its PCD8544 library to drive the Nokia display. I wrote a modified version of Daniel's esp8266-oled-ssd1306's Ui Library (OLEDDisplayUi) - a version adapted to work with the Adafruit driver - removing some parts related to the active / inactive frame indicator images (setActiveSymbol / setInactiveSymbol) as I did not need it. For more information, see
The following information are displayed:
- Time and date
- Current weather and today forecast details
- Forecasts over a 3 day period after today
- Moon details: phase, rise/fall time, luminosity, age
- Sun and wind details: sun rise/fall time, wind speed and direction
In place of the images with the weather icons I used a font with other weather icons (see credits below). Fonts icons can be edited with any font editor. I inserted the project file created with Birdfont in another repository.
This project was tested on a Wemos D1 mini clone, please refer to this scheme for wiring connections
The date and time are obtained using the WundergroundClient module from the library because - at the time of writing - the library did not support DST.The WundergroundClient already returns the correct DST from the country defined in the code.
Add dst suppport, see:
This code is a PlatformIO project, open the project from PlatformIO.
- Daniel Eichhorn - squix78 - Initial work
- Gianluca Cassarino - this adaptation for Nokia 5110 LCD display
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Daniel Eichhorn (squix78) for writing the excellent library.
- Adafruit Industries
- Original Weather icon set font from PIXEDEN
- Nokia font from DAFONT
- Please look at the resources related repository for the original copies of licensed works.