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Gil Dabah edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 4 revisions

list Decode(long offset, string code, int mode)


Argument Name Description
offset Virtual address of the code itself (as in origin)
code Buffer of the binary code
mode Decode16Bits - 80286 decoding, Decode32Bits - IA-32 decoding, Decode64Bits - AMD64 decoding

Return: list - List of tuples with the disassembled instructions,

each tuple consists of offset, size, mnemonic and hex strings per instruction

Note: The first argument offset is the virtual address of the code block. It is not an offset inside code! It is similar to the org directive of Assemblers.

Sample 1:

from distorm import Decode, Decode16Bits, Decode32Bits, Decode64Bits
l = Decode(0x100, open("", "rb").read(), Decode16Bits)
for i in l:
 print "0x%08x (%02x) %-20s %s" % (i[0],  i[1],  i[3],  i[2])

Sample 2:

>>>Decode(0x400000, 'b800000000'.decode('hex'), Decode32Bits)
[(4194304L, 5L, 'MOV EAX, 0x0', 'b800000000')]

Sample 3:

Check out the Python's sample that comes with diStorm:

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