- Client : Degroof Petercam Foundation
- Where ? : BeCode
- When ? : 24/09 - 28/09/2018
- Who ? :
- Guillaume Deruwez : BackEnd
- Thibault Gribaumont : BackEnd
- Géraldine Winand : FrontEnd
- Marie Cambie : FrontEnd
- The app :
- We allow every employee to spend 2h/month to give his skills to others
- Employees have specific skills ex: accountability, HR, management, finance, IT
- The foundation selects projects that could benefit from those skills
- The projects receive time and skills from our employees to become stronger
A personal account where you can enter the skills you want to share and personal details (country, region, age) ex: Silvia Steisel, based Brussels, skills: communication, HR, French, Dutch, English
A list of projects with missions that need skills you have ex: Becode needs HR trainers
Apply to a project that sends an automated email to the project + foundation with his profile details An inbox or alert system that tells you if you have the mission
A dashboard to manage your mission: puts the date in your outlook agenda, an automated counter tells you how much time you have spend You can rate the project
We created the app in React-Native. Guillaume and Thibault were in charge of the BackEnd (rooter, building, compilation, fonctions...) Géraldine and Marie were in charge of the FrontEnd (pages creations, design...)
Some printscreens :
- Coding in a very new language, we only had one day to get familiar with react-native before the challenge.
- The time was definitely our ennemy, we made this app in only 3 days and half.
- Lack of documentation when implenting firestore into an app not developped with android studio.