- What is CSS and how it works (Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets)
- Adding CSS to HTML (Inline, Internal, External)
- Basic Syntax and Rules (Selectors, Properties, Values)
- CSS Selectors (Element, Class, ID)
- Understanding the Box Model (Content, Padding, Border, Margin)
- CSS Measurements: Understanding units (
- Create an HTML page with external CSS that applies styles to headers, paragraphs, and buttons using element, class, and ID selectors.
- Experiment with different units (px, %, em, rem) for margins, paddings, and font sizes.
- Explore the Box Model by adding padding, borders, and margins to elements using different measurement units.
- Text Properties (font-family, font-size, font-weight, line-height, text-align)
- Color Systems (Named colors, Hex, RGB, RGBA)
- Backgrounds (Color, Images, Repeat, Position)
- Borders and Shadows (border-radius, box-shadow)
- Display Property (Block, Inline, Inline-Block, None)
- CSS Measurements Continued: Relative units (
) vs. absolute units (px
- Style text elements (headings, paragraphs, links) with different fonts, sizes, colors, and text alignment.
- Use
for font sizes and practice switching between relative and absolute units. - Create a section with a colored background and a box-shadow effect.
- Experiment with the display property to adjust the layout.
- CSS Positioning (Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed)
- Z-index and Layering
- Floating and Clearing Elements
- Introduction to Flexbox (flex-container, flex-direction, justify-content, align-items)
- CSS Sizing: Widths and Heights using
, andcalc()
- Create a navigation bar using Flexbox for layout.
- Build a two-column layout using floats and practice clearing floated elements.
- Apply different measurements (%,
) to size containers and elements. - Use the
function to create dynamic sizing, like width or height as a combination of different units.
- Introduction to Responsive Design (Mobile-First Approach)
- Understanding Viewport and Units (px, %, em, rem, vh, vw)
- Media Queries (min-width, max-width)
- Responsive Layout with Flexbox
- Responsive Images
- CSS Measurements in Responsive Design: Adapting measurements for different screen sizes
- Design a simple web page that adjusts the layout for different screen sizes (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop) using media queries.
- Make the navigation bar and images responsive by applying media queries and flexible units like
. - Practice changing font sizes and container widths/heights using relative units (em, rem) within media queries for a fully responsive design.
- CSS Grid (Grid Container, Grid Item, Columns, Rows, Template Areas)
- Transitions and Animations
- Combining Flexbox and Grid for Layout
- Final Overview of Responsive Design Best Practices
- CSS Measurement in Action: Combining units like
, andcalc()
in a real-world project
- Create a responsive portfolio webpage using CSS Grid and Flexbox.
- Add transitions to buttons or images for hover effects.
- Use a combination of
, andvh
units for flexible, responsive layouts. - Ensure the webpage is fully responsive across different devices using media queries and appropriate CSS measurements.