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Fix parameter value encoding
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Co-authored-by: Jan Uhlig <>
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Maria-12648430 and juhlig committed Jan 13, 2023
1 parent 1bd8d08 commit 330ed53
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 32 deletions.
338 changes: 306 additions & 32 deletions src/mimemail.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -916,28 +916,190 @@ has_lines_over_998(Bin, {FoundAt, 2}, _, Pattern) ->
Bin, binary:match(Bin, Pattern, [{scope, {NewOffset, Len}}]), NewOffset, Pattern

-spec encode_parameters([{Name :: binary(), Value :: binary()}]) -> [Parameter :: binary()].
encode_parameters([[]]) ->
encode_parameters(Parameters) ->
[encode_parameter(Parameter) || Parameter <- Parameters].
fun({Name, Value}, Acc) ->
{Method, EncLen} = decide_param_encoding_method(Value),
EncParams = encode_parameter(Method, Name, Value, EncLen),
EncParams ++ Acc

encode_parameter({X, Y}) ->
YEnc = rfc2047_utf8_encode(Y, byte_size(X) + 3, <<"\t">>),
case escape_tspecial(YEnc, false, <<>>) of
{true, Special} -> [X, $=, $", Special, $"];
false -> [X, $=, YEnc]
%% Encode a parameter value according to the determined representation
%% (see decide_param_encoding_method/1).
%% If necessary, ie when lines would become longer than 76 characters
%% (leaving room for the leading continuation WSP and the ending semicolon),
%% the values are folded following the schema described in RFC2231 section 3.
-spec encode_parameter(
Method :: (plain | quote | encode | encode_utf8), Name :: binary(), Value :: binary(), EncLen :: non_neg_integer()
) -> [ChunkParameter :: binary()].
encode_parameter(Method, Name, Value, EncLen) ->
encode_parameter(Method, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, []).

encode_parameter(_Method, _Name, _Index, <<>>, _EncLen, Acc) ->
encode_parameter(encode_utf8, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, _Acc) when byte_size(Name) + 9 + EncLen =< 76 ->
{Encoded, <<>>} = encode_param_value(encode, Value, 67 - byte_size(Name)),
[<<Name/binary, "*=UTF-8''", Encoded/binary>>];
encode_parameter(encode_utf8, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, Acc) ->
{Encoded, More} = encode_param_value(encode, Value, 65 - byte_size(Name)),
encode_parameter(encode, Name, 1, More, EncLen, [<<Name/binary, "*0*=UTF-8''", Encoded/binary>> | Acc]);
encode_parameter(encode, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, _Acc) when byte_size(Name) + 4 + EncLen =< 76 ->
{Encoded, <<>>} = encode_param_value(encode, Value, 72 - byte_size(Name)),
[<<Name/binary, "*=''", Encoded/binary>>];
encode_parameter(encode, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, Acc) ->
Prefix = <<Name/binary, $*, $0, $*>>,
{Encoded, More} = encode_param_value(encode, Value, 73 - byte_size(Prefix)),
encode_parameter(encode, Name, 1, More, EncLen, [<<Prefix/binary, "=''", Encoded/binary>> | Acc]);
encode_parameter(encode, Name, Index, Value, EncLen, Acc) ->
Prefix = <<Name/binary, $*, (integer_to_binary(Index))/binary, $*>>,
{Encoded, More} = encode_param_value(encode, Value, 75 - byte_size(Prefix)),
encode_parameter(encode, Name, Index + 1, More, EncLen, [<<Prefix/binary, "=", Encoded/binary>> | Acc]);
encode_parameter(quote, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, _Acc) when byte_size(Name) + 2 + EncLen + 1 =< 76 ->
{Quoted, <<>>} = encode_param_value(quote, Value, 73 - byte_size(Name)),
[<<Name/binary, $=, $", Quoted/binary, $">>];
encode_parameter(quote, Name, Index, Value, EncLen, Acc) ->
Prefix = <<Name/binary, $*, (integer_to_binary(Index))/binary>>,
{Quoted, More} = encode_param_value(quote, Value, 73 - byte_size(Prefix)),
encode_parameter(quote, Name, Index + 1, More, EncLen, [<<Prefix/binary, $=, $", Quoted/binary, $">> | Acc]);
encode_parameter(plain, Name, 0, Value, EncLen, _Acc) when byte_size(Name) + 1 + EncLen =< 76 ->
{Plain, <<>>} = encode_param_value(plain, Value, 75 - byte_size(Name)),
[<<Name/binary, $=, Plain/binary>>];
encode_parameter(plain, Name, Index, Value, EncLen, Acc) ->
Prefix = <<Name/binary, $*, (integer_to_binary(Index))/binary>>,
{Plain, More} = encode_param_value(plain, Value, 75 - byte_size(Prefix)),
encode_parameter(plain, Name, Index + 1, More, EncLen, [<<Prefix/binary, $=, Plain/binary>> | Acc]).

%% Encode a parameter value according to the method
%% given as the first argument.
-spec encode_param_value(Method :: (plain | quote | encode), Value :: binary(), Len :: integer()) ->
{Chunk :: binary(), Rest :: binary()}.
encode_param_value(plain, Value, Len) ->
%% No encoding necessary, return (part of) the
%% value as-is.
Len1 = max(Len, 1),
case Value of
<<Part:Len1/bytes, More/binary>> ->
{Part, More};
_ ->
{Value, <<>>}
encode_param_value(quote, Value, Len) ->
%% See encode_param_value_quote/3
encode_param_value_quote(Value, Len, <<>>);
encode_param_value(encode, Value, Len) ->
%% See encode_param_value_encode/3
encode_param_value_encode(Value, Len, <<>>).

%% Encode (part of) a parameter value by quoting.
%% " and \ are escaped by preceding it with a \,
%% everything else remains as-is.
encode_param_value_quote(<<>>, _Len, Acc) ->
{Acc, <<>>};
encode_param_value_quote(All = <<C, More/binary>>, Len, Acc) ->
case C =:= $" orelse C =:= $\\ of
true when Len >= 2; Acc =:= <<>> ->
encode_param_value_quote(More, Len - 2, <<Acc/binary, $\\, C>>);
false when Len >= 1; Acc =:= <<>> ->
encode_param_value_quote(More, Len - 1, <<Acc/binary, C>>);
_ ->
{Acc, All}

% See also: section 5.1
escape_tspecial(<<>>, false, _Acc) ->
escape_tspecial(<<>>, IsSpecial, Acc) ->
{IsSpecial, Acc};
escape_tspecial(<<C, Rest/binary>>, _IsSpecial, Acc) when C =:= $" ->
escape_tspecial(Rest, true, <<Acc/binary, $\\, $">>);
escape_tspecial(<<C, Rest/binary>>, _IsSpecial, Acc) when C =:= $\\ ->
escape_tspecial(Rest, true, <<Acc/binary, $\\, $\\>>);
escape_tspecial(<<C, Rest/binary>>, _IsSpecial, Acc) when
%% Encode (part of) a parameter value according to RFC2231.
%% Tspecials, CTLs, spaces, *, ', % and the bytes of
%% multi-byte UTF-8 characters are encoded as a % followed
%% by the hex representation of the byte values.
%% Everything else remains as-is.
encode_param_value_encode(<<>>, _Len, Acc) ->
{Acc, <<>>};
encode_param_value_encode(All = <<C, More/binary>>, Len, Acc) when
C =< 16#1F;
C =:= 16#7F;
C =:= $(;
C =:= $);
C =:= $<;
C =:= $>;
C =:= $@;
C =:= $,;
C =:= $;;
C =:= $:;
C =:= $/;
C =:= $[;
C =:= $];
C =:= $?;
C =:= $=;
C =:= $\s;
C =:= $*;
C =:= $';
C =:= $%
case Len >= 3 orelse Acc =:= <<>> of
true ->
<<N1:4, N2:4>> = <<C>>,
encode_param_value_encode(More, Len - 3, <<Acc/binary, $%, (hex(N1)), (hex(N2))>>);
false ->
{Acc, All}
encode_param_value_encode(All = <<C, More/binary>>, Len, Acc) ->
case C >= 16#80 of
true when Len >= 3; Acc =:= <<>> ->
<<N1:4, N2:4>> = <<C>>,
encode_param_value_encode(More, Len - 3, <<Acc/binary, $%, (hex(N1)), (hex(N2))>>);
false when Len >= 1; Acc =:= <<>> ->
encode_param_value_encode(More, Len - 1, <<Acc/binary, C>>);
_ ->
{Acc, All}

%% Analyze a parameter value and decide how it must be represented based
%% on the characters contained. At the same time, calculate the number of
%% bytes the value will take up when encoded for the determined representation.
%% plain - value contains no tspecials, CTLs or UTF-8 characters -> representation as-is
%% quote - value contains tspecials (but no CTLs or UTF-8 characters) -> must be quoted
%% encode - value contains CTLs -> must be encoded according to RFC2231
%% encode_utf8 - value contains UTF-8 characters -> must be encoded according to RFC2231
-spec decide_param_encoding_method(Value :: binary()) ->
{Method :: (plain | quote | encode | encode_utf8), EncodedLength :: non_neg_integer()}.
decide_param_encoding_method(Value) ->
decide_param_encoding_method(Value, plain, 0, 0, 0).

decide_param_encoding_method(<<>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) ->
L =
case Method of
plain ->
%% LP contains the length for method plain
quote ->
%% LQ contains the length for method quote
encode ->
%% LE contains the length for method encode
encode_utf8 ->
%% LE contains the length for method encode_utf8
{Method, L};
decide_param_encoding_method(<<C/utf8, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) when byte_size(<<C/utf8>>) > 1 ->
%% multibyte UTF-8 requires encoding and charset; requires 3 bytes
Rest, change_param_encoding_method(Method, encode_utf8), LP, LQ, LE + 3 * byte_size(<<C/utf8>>)
decide_param_encoding_method(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) when C =< 16#1F; C >= 16#7F ->
%% CTLs and upper ASCII requires encoding; requires 3 bytes
decide_param_encoding_method(Rest, change_param_encoding_method(Method, encode), LP, LQ, LE + 3);
decide_param_encoding_method(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) when C =:= $"; C =:= $\\ ->
%% " and \ requires quoting; requires 2 bytes when quoting is used, 3 when encoding is used
decide_param_encoding_method(Rest, change_param_encoding_method(Method, quote), LP, LQ + 2, LE + 3);
decide_param_encoding_method(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) when
C =:= $(;
C =:= $);
C =:= $<;
Expand All @@ -953,9 +1115,32 @@ escape_tspecial(<<C, Rest/binary>>, _IsSpecial, Acc) when
C =:= $=;
C =:= $\s
escape_tspecial(Rest, true, <<Acc/binary, C>>);
escape_tspecial(<<C, Rest/binary>>, IsSpecial, Acc) ->
escape_tspecial(Rest, IsSpecial, <<Acc/binary, C>>).
%% tspecials require quoting
decide_param_encoding_method(Rest, change_param_encoding_method(Method, quote), LP, LQ + 1, LE + 3);
decide_param_encoding_method(<<C, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) when C =:= $*; C =:= $'; C =:= $% ->
%% *, ' and % require 3 bytes when encoding is used, otherwise 1
decide_param_encoding_method(Rest, Method, LP + 1, LQ + 1, LE + 3);
decide_param_encoding_method(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Method, LP, LQ, LE) ->
%% plain characters require 1 byte
decide_param_encoding_method(Rest, Method, LP + 1, LQ + 1, LE + 1).

-spec change_param_encoding_method(CurMethod, NewMethod) -> Method when
CurMethod :: Method, NewMethod :: Method, Method :: (plain | quote | encode | encode_utf8).
change_param_encoding_method(Method, Method) ->
%% no change
change_param_encoding_method(CurMethod, NewMethod) ->
%% between the current and the new encoding method, pick the highest-ranking
change_param_encoding_method([encode_utf8, encode, quote], CurMethod, NewMethod).

change_param_encoding_method([CurMethod | _More], CurMethod, _NewMethod) ->
change_param_encoding_method([NewMethod | _More], _CurMethod, NewMethod) ->
change_param_encoding_method([_ | More], CurMethod, NewMethod) ->
change_param_encoding_method(More, CurMethod, NewMethod);
change_param_encoding_method([], _CurMethod, NewMethod) ->

encode_headers([]) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2354,18 +2539,90 @@ encode_parameter_test_() ->
{"Token", fun() ->
[[<<"a">>, $=, <<"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$%&*#!">>]],
encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$%&*#!">>}])
{<<"a">>, <<"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234">>}
{<<"a">>, <<"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345">>}
{"TSpecial", fun() ->
Special = " ()<>@,;:/[]?=",
?assertEqual([[<<"a">>, $=, $", <<C>>, $"]], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<C>>}]))
?assertEqual([<<"a=", $", C, $">>], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<C>>}]))
|| C <- Special
?assertEqual([[<<"a">>, $=, $", <<$\\, $">>, $"]], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<$">>}])),
?assertEqual([[<<"a">>, $=, $", <<$\\, $\\>>, $"]], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<$\\>>}]))
?assertEqual([<<"a=", $", $\\, $", $">>], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<$">>}])),
?assertEqual([<<"a=", $", $\\, $\\, $">>], encode_parameters([{<<"a">>, <<$\\>>}])),
[<<"a=\"123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12\"">>],
{<<"a">>, <<"123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12">>}
<<"a*0=\"123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 \"">>,
{<<"a">>, <<"123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123">>}
{"RFC2231 encoded", fun() ->
<<"1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567",
0, "1">>}
<<"1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567", 0, "1234567",
0, "12">>}
{"RFC2231 encoded with UTF-8", fun() ->
<<"1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0,
"1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234">>}
<<"1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0,
"1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0, "1234", 16#c2, 16#a0>>}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2437,9 +2694,19 @@ rfc2047_decode_test_() ->
{"multiple unicode email addresses", fun() ->
<<"Jacek Złydach <>, chak de planet óóóó <>, Jacek Złydach <>, chak de planet óóóó <>"/utf8>>,
"Jacek Złydach <>, "
"chak de planet óóóó <>, "
"Jacek Złydach <>, "
"chak de planet óóóó <>"/utf8
<<"=?UTF-8?B?SmFjZWsgWsWCeWRhY2g=?= <>, =?UTF-8?B?Y2hhayBkZSBwbGFuZXQgw7PDs8Ozw7M=?= <>, =?UTF-8?B?SmFjZWsgWsWCeWRhY2g=?= <>, =?UTF-8?B?Y2hhayBkZSBwbGFuZXQgw7PDs8Ozw7M=?= <>">>,
"=?UTF-8?B?SmFjZWsgWsWCeWRhY2g=?= <>, "
"=?UTF-8?B?Y2hhayBkZSBwbGFuZXQgw7PDs8Ozw7M=?= <>, "
"=?UTF-8?B?SmFjZWsgWsWCeWRhY2g=?= <>, "
"=?UTF-8?B?Y2hhayBkZSBwbGFuZXQgw7PDs8Ozw7M=?= <>"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2641,14 +2908,14 @@ encoding_test_() ->
"Content-Type: application/pdf;\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n"
Expand All @@ -2666,7 +2933,14 @@ encoding_test_() ->
#{}, <<"This is a plain message">>},
Result =
<<"From: \"Admin & ' ( \\\"hallo\\\" ) ; , [ ] WS\" <>\r\nMessage-ID: <>\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nDate: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:44:47 +0200\r\n\r\nThis is a plain message">>,
"From: \"Admin & ' ( \\\"hallo\\\" ) ; , [ ] WS\" <>\r\n"
"Message-ID: <>\r\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
"Date: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:44:47 +0200\r\n"
"This is a plain message"
?assertEqual(Result, encode(Email))
{"multipart/alternative email", fun() ->
Expand Down

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