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Systems API

genar edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Worlds, queries and entities can be organized and structured through the system API. Systems offer a number of functions that support this, systems can also be grouped.

The system API can also be used completely without the source generator.

Code sample

In the following example a small system to update the position of entities to demonstrate the API more closely:

// Components ( ignore the formatting, this saves space )
public struct Position{ float X, Y };
public struct Velocity{ float Dx, Dy };

// BaseSystem provides several usefull methods for interacting and structuring systems
public class MovementSystem : BaseSystem<World, float>{

    private QueryDescription _desc = new QueryDescription().WithAll<Position, Velocity>();
    public MovementSystem(World world) : base(world) {}
    // Can be called once per frame
    public override void Update(in float deltaTime)
        // Run query, can also run multiple queries inside the update
        World.Query(in _desc, (ref Position pos, ref Velocity vel) => {
            pos.X += vel.X;
            pos.Y += vel.Y;

public class Game 
    public static void Main(string[] args) 
        var deltaTime = 0.05f; // This is mostly given by engines, frameworks
        // Create a world and a group of systems which will be controlled 
        var world = World.Create();
        var _systems = new Group<float>(
            new MovementSystem(world),   // Run in order
            new MyOtherSystem(...),
        _systems.Initialize();                  // Inits all registered systems
        _systems.BeforeUpdate(in deltaTime);    // Calls .BeforeUpdate on all systems ( can be overriden )
        _systems.Update(in deltaTime);          // Calls .Update on all systems ( can be overriden )
        _systems.AfterUpdate(in deltaTime);     // Calls .AfterUpdate on all System ( can be overriden )
        _systems.Dispose();                     // Calls .Dispose on all systems ( can be overriden )
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