[Documentation] [Developer Guide] [BYO Providers]
StackQL allows you to create, modify and query the state of services and resources across all three major public cloud providers (Google, AWS and Azure) using a common, widely known DSL...SQL.
SELECT * FROM google.compute.instances WHERE zone = 'australia-southeast1-b' AND project = 'my-project' ;
select d1.name, d1.id, d2.name as d2_name, d2.status, d2.label, d2.id as d2_id from google.compute.disks d1 inner join okta.application.apps d2 on d1.name = d2.label where d1.project = 'lab-kr-network-01' and d1.zone = 'australia-southeast1-a' and d2.subdomain = 'dev-79923018-admin';
Keen to expose some new functionality though stackql
? We are very keen on this!
Please see registry_contribution.md.
Please see the stackql-provider-registry repository
Providers include:
- Google.
- Okta.
- ...
env CGO_ENABLED=1 go build \
--tags "json1 sqleanall" \
-ldflags "-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildMajorVersion=${BUILDMAJORVERSION:-1} \
-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildMinorVersion=${BUILDMINORVERSION:-1} \
-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildPatchVersion=${BUILDPATCHVERSION:-1} \
-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildCommitSHA=$BUILDCOMMITSHA \
-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildShortCommitSHA=$BUILDSHORTCOMMITSHA \
-X \"github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildDate=$BUILDDATE\" \
-X \"stackql/internal/stackql/planbuilder.PlanCacheEnabled=$PLANCACHEENABLED\" \
-X github.com/stackql/stackql/internal/stackql/cmd.BuildPlatform=$BUILDPLATFORM" -o ./build ./...
These are the system requirements for local development, build and test
- golang>=1.18
- openssl>=1.1.1
- python>=3.10
- python packages as per the requirements file
- docker
docker build -t stackql:${STACKQL_TAG} -t stackql:latest .
./build/stackql --help
# Amend STACKQL_AUTH as required, angle bracketed strings must be replaced.
export STACKQL_AUTH='{ "google": { "credentialsfilepath": "</path/to/google/sa-key.json>", "type": "service_account" }, "okta": { "credentialsenvvar": "<OKTA_SECRET_KEY>", "type": "api_key" }, "github": { "type": "basic", "credentialsenvvar": "<GITHUB_CREDS>" }, "aws": { "type": "aws_signing_v4", "credentialsfilepath": "</path/to/aws/secret-key.txt>", "keyID": "<YOUR_AWS_KEY_NOT_A_SECRET>" }, "k8s": { "credentialsenvvar": "<K8S_TOKEN>", "type": "api_key", "valuePrefix": "Bearer " } }'
./build/stackql --auth="${STACKQL_AUTH}" shell
NOTE: on some docker versions, the argument --security-opt seccomp=unconfined
is required as a hack for a known issue in docker.
docker compose run --rm stackqlsrv "bash" "-c" "stackql exec 'show providers;'"
export DOCKER_AUTH_STR='{ "google": { "credentialsfilepath": "/opt/stackql/keys/sa-key.json", "type": "service_account" }, "okta": { "credentialsenvvar": "OKTA_SECRET_KEY", "type": "api_key" }, "github": { "type": "basic", "credentialsenvvar": "GITHUB_CREDS" }, "aws": { "type": "aws_signing_v4", "credentialsfilepath": "/opt/stackql/keys/integration/aws-secret-key.txt", "keyID": "'${AWS_KEY_ID}'" }, "k8s": { "credentialsenvvar": "K8S_TOKEN", "type": "api_key", "valuePrefix": "Bearer " } }'
export DOCKER_REG_CFG='{ "url": "https://registry.stackql.app/providers" }'
docker compose -p shellrun run --rm -e OKTA_SECRET_KEY=some-dummy-api-key -e GITHUB_SECRET_KEY=some-dummy-github-key -e K8S_SECRET_KEY=some-k8s-token -e REGISTRY_SRC=test/registry-mocked stackqlsrv bash -c "stackql shell --registry='${DOCKER_REG_CFG}' --auth='${DOCKER_AUTH_STR}'"
From the root directory of this repository...
docker compose -f docker-compose-credentials.yml run --rm credentialsgen
docker compose up stackqlsrv
psql -d "host= port=5576 user=myuser sslmode=verify-full sslcert=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_client_cert.pem sslkey=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_client_key.pem sslrootcert=./vol/srv/credentials/pg_server_cert.pem dbname=mydatabase"
When finished, clean up with:
docker compose down
./stackql exec "show extended services from google where title = 'Service Directory API';"
More examples in examples/examples.md.
Please see the server mode section of the developer docs.
Forks of the following support our work:
We gratefully acknowledge these pieces of work.
Please see the stackql LICENSE.
Licenses for third party software we are using are included in the /licenses directory.