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Command-line interface (CLI) for making Swagger 2.0 projects easier to maintain by breaking the paths and definitions out into discrete folders and files in OpenAPI Specification 2.0 format


Install and update using pip

$ pip install specd --upgrade

specd Components

  • Structure

     ├── definitions
     │   ├── Foo.yaml
     │   └── Bar.yaml
     └── paths
     	├── foo
     	│   └── {fooId}
     	│	├── get.yaml
     	│	└── post.yaml
     	├── etc ...
     	└── etc ...
    The paths and definitions of the specification file get broken out into separate directories. The `paths` directory contains OpenAPI specs for every method that was defined in the original specification file. In this example, the swagger definition for the API's `GET` method that would be found at example URL `{fooId}/`, lives in `paths/foo/{fooId}/get.yaml`
    The definitions of the specd are used as models to populate response fields, request body fields, and really anything else in the Swagger UI that requires a model of an object
  • yaml and json Spec Files

    All specification files are in the OpenAPI Specification 2.0 format. Below are examples of a path, definition, .yaml specification files that correspond with the example directory structure above.

    get.yaml - path

     description: Returns a single pet
     operationId: get_foo_by_fooId
        - application/json
    - description: ID of pet to return
     format: int32
     in: path
     name: fooId
     required: true
     type: integer
       description: successful operation
         $ref: '#/definitions/Foo'  #Reference to the Foo model in definitions that is returned on response
       description: Invalid bar supplied
       description: foo object not found
        - foo

    Foo.yaml - definition

       $ref: "#/definitions/Bar"
       format: int32
       type: integer
         type: string
       type: array
      type: string
     title: Foo
     type: object

Core Features

  • Converting a Specification File to a specd: convert

    convert takes a swagger specification file as input and an output directory as arguments, and creates a specd directory with the following

    Command Options
    Command Options Description Default Values
    -f, --format specify the format of the files in the output specd yaml json or yaml

    To get the specification file that defines the Swagger Petstore UI at, perform a wget to download the specification.json file, and then perform a convert on it

    $ wget "" 
    $ specd convert ./swagger.json ~/petstore/

    By specifying the output directory to be ~/petstore/, specd will automatically create this directory if it does not already exist, and create a specs directory within it that contains a specd.yaml file, a paths directory, and a definitions directory.

    ├── petstore
    │   └── specs
    │       ├── definitions [not opening dir to save space]
    │       │   ├── ApiResponse.yaml
    │       │   ├── Category.yaml
    │       │   ├── Order.yaml
    │       │   ├── Pet.yaml
    │       │   ├── Tag.yaml     
    │       │   └── User.yaml
    │       ├── paths
    │       │   ├── pet
    │       │   │   └── ... [omitting subdirs to save space]
    │       │   ├── store
    │       │   │   └── ... [omitting subdirs to save space]
    │       │   └── user
    │       │       └── ... [omitting subdirs to save space]
    │       └── specd.yaml
    └── swagger.json
  • Generating a Specification File: generate

    generate is the inverse of the convert command. It takes a specd directory and an output file as arguments, and generates a swagger specification file from the path and definition files of the specd directory

    Command Options
    Command Options Description Default Values
    -c, --case specify if operation names in specification file
    should be converted to snake_case or camelCase
    snake snake or camel

    Continuing off of the example from the convert command, we can create a new specification file for the Swagger Petstore API in yaml format based off of our specd directory

    $ specd generate ~/petstore/specs ~/new_generated_spec.yaml
    $ cd ~
    $ ls
    petstore/	swagger.json	new_generated_spec.yaml
  • Running Swagger: swagger

    swagger starts a flask app for Swagger UI, allowing you to view and test your API. This command must be run out of your specd directory in order to function properly.

    Command Options
    Command Options Description Default Values/Type
    specify the host name of the server you
    wish to hit with your swagger app.
    If None is given, then specd retrieves a
    hostname from the specd.yaml file within the specd directory
    None Any str
    specify name of API None Any str
    -t, --target specify the target API endpoints that you wish to be displayed None Comma separated list of str
    $ cd ~/petstore/specs
    $ specd swagger --name="swagger_petstore"
      * Serving Flask app "" (lazy loading)
      * Environment: swagger
      * Debug mode: off
      * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

    By simply doing a CTRL+click on the URL you receive from the command line, you can access and test your swagger specd.

Additional Utility Commands

  • Comparing Specifications: diff

    diff takes two swagger specification files as arguments, and displays path and definition differences between the two

    $ specd diff ~/swagger.json ~/new_generated_spec.yaml
  • List Definitions and Paths: ls

    ls can be run inside of a specd directory in order to display all definitions and paths for that spec

    $ cd ~/petstore/specs
    $ specd ls
         	/pet/findByStatus: get
         	/pet/findByTags: get
         	/pet/{petId}/uploadImage: post
         	/pet/{petId}: delete, get, post
         	/pet: post, put
         	/store/inventory: get
         	/store/order/{orderId}: delete, get
         	/store/order: post
         	/user/createWithArray: post
         	/user/createWithList: post
         	/user/#: get
         	/user/logout: get
         	/user/{username}: delete, get, put
         	/user: post
  • Linting Path and Definition Files: lint

    When a specification swagger file is first broken out into definition and paths directories using convert, the file may have contained fields and types that are not registered with bravado. Although this does not directly affect the API spec's ability to function, logging can become very cluttered, as whenever bravado encounters an unregistered field, it throws a warning message.

    Running the lint command takes a path to a specd directory as its only argument. When it is executed, lint will recursively traverse every single path and definition .json/.yaml file in the specd directory and remove any lines that will cause bravado to throw warnings.

    $ specd lint ~/petstore/specs
  • Validate Specd Directory: validate

    validate takes no arguments, and will verify if your current working directory is a valid specd directory

    $ cd ~/petstore/specs
    $ specd
    > Successfully validated.


Swagger v2 Specification Directories







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