Two types of controls were widely used for ChIP-seq: DNA input controls and mock IP controls. This software was developed to combine both for better binding site detection.
This R package is based on SPP, and the wrapper script (run_Bay2Ctrls.R) for the R package is adapted from the ENCODE ChIP-seq pipeline.
The software accecpt four files as input:
The first set is the DNA input controlled IP experiment. This DNA control (di) and the IP (i) are the results from conventional ChIP-seq.
The second set is the mock IP experiment. This includes the mock IP (m) and its corresponding DNA input (dm).
Binding peaks are in the narrow peak file format
Download the test data here
All raw and processed data are available here
Tested with
- R 3.6.1
- SPP 1.16.0
- caTools 1.18.0
Please note that you might encounter a lot of issues if you want to install SPP from source. We recommend you install it via R install.package("spp")
Run the wrapper script run_Bay2Ctrls.R as the following:
Rscript run_Bay2Ctrls.R -ip=<IP_file> -mock=<mockIP_control_file> -input4ip=<DNA_input_control_file> -input4mock=<DNA_input_control_for_mockIP_file> [Bay2Ctrls_parameters, ...] [SPP_parameters, ...]
Rscript run_Bay2Ctrls.R -ip=test_data/a.rep0.tagAlign.gz -mock=test_data/EMb1.rep0.tagAlign.gz -input4ip=test_data/ap.rep0.tagAlign.gz -input4mock=test_data/EMb1p.rep0.tagAlign.gz -npeak=30000 -x=-500:85 -s=0:5:1200 -odir=./ -filtchr='.*_[CD].*' -savr -savp -rf -npeak=30000 -totReads=10000000 -mcstep=1000000
You might also use the R package Bay2Ctrls in your scripts. See man pages for individual functions(TODO).
-ip a *.tagAlign.gz file containing mapped reads from the IP experiment (i) -mock a *.tagAlign.gz file containing mapped reads from the mock IP experiment (m) -input4ip a *.tagAlign.gz file containing mapped reads from the DNA input control for the IP experiment (di) -input4mock a *.tagAlign.gz file containing mapped reads from the DNA input control for the mock IP experiment (dm) -totReads scaling the numbers of reads of the four experiments to the same level, e.g. -totReads=10000000 -mcstep simulation steps for the Bayesian model, e.g. -mcstep=1000000
-npeak the number of total narrow peaks to be output, e.g. -npeak=30000 -x avoid phantom peaks, e.g. -x=-500:85 -s genomic distance for signal correlation, e.g. -s=0:5:1200 -out output log file -rf remove previous results -odir output directory -p number of processors to be used
More options for output format please refer to the spp R package github or CRAN