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GitHub Actions / Analysis of sentry_link succeeded Feb 13, 2025 in 54s

Package analysis results for sentry_link


160/160 points

Supported platforms

  • Flutter
    • android
    • ios
    • windows
    • linux
    • macos
    • web
  • Dart
    • native-aot
      Can be aot compiled with eg. dart2native (Can use dart:io but not dart:mirrors)
    • native-jit
      Can be run with the dart vm in jit mode. (Can use dart:io and dart:mirrors)
    • web
      Can be compiled with DDC and dart2js. (Can use dart:html and friends, not dart:io, dart:mirrors, dart:ffi, etc.)


Follow Dart file conventions (30/30)

✔ 10/10 points: Provide a valid pubspec.yaml

✔ 5/5 points: Provide a valid

✔ 5/5 points: Provide a valid

✔ 10/10 points: Use an OSI-approved license

Detected license: MIT.

Provide documentation (20/20)

✔ 10/10 points: 20% or more of the public API has dartdoc comments

13 out of 28 API elements (46.4 %) have documentation comments.

Some symbols that are missing documentation: sentry_link, sentry_link.LinkExceptionExtractor.cause, sentry_link.SentryGql, sentry_link.SentryOperationExtension.toJson, sentry_link.SentryRequestExtension.toJson.

✔ 10/10 points: Package has an example

Platform support (20/20)

✔ 20/20 points: Supports 6 of 6 possible platforms (iOS, Android, Web, Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • ✓ Android

  • ✓ iOS

  • ✓ Windows

  • ✓ Linux

  • ✓ macOS

  • ✓ Web

✔ 0/0 points: WASM compatibility

This package is compatible with runtime wasm, and will be rewarded additional points in a future version of the scoring model.

See for details.

Pass static analysis (50/50)

✔ 50/50 points: code has no errors, warnings, lints, or formatting issues

Support up-to-date dependencies (40/40)

✔ 10/10 points: All of the package dependencies are supported in the latest version

Package Constraint Compatible Latest
gql >=0.14.0 <2.0.0 1.0.0+1 1.0.0+1
gql_error_link >=0.2.0 <2.0.0 1.0.0+1 1.0.0+1
gql_exec >=0.4.4 <2.0.0 1.0.0+1 1.0.0+1
gql_link >=0.5.0 <2.0.0 1.0.0+1 1.0.0+1
sentry 8.13.0 8.13.0 8.13.0
Transitive dependencies
Package Constraint Compatible Latest
async - 2.13.0 2.13.0
collection - 1.19.1 1.19.1
crypto - 3.0.6 3.0.6
fixnum - 1.1.1 1.1.1
http - 1.3.0 1.3.0
http_parser - 4.1.2 4.1.2
meta - 1.16.0 1.16.0
path - 1.9.1 1.9.1
source_span - 1.10.1 1.10.1
sprintf - 7.0.0 7.0.0
stack_trace - 1.12.1 1.12.1
string_scanner - 1.4.1 1.4.1
term_glyph - 1.2.2 1.2.2
typed_data - 1.4.0 1.4.0
uuid - 4.5.1 4.5.1
web - 1.1.0 1.1.0
yaml - 3.1.3 3.1.3

To reproduce run dart pub outdated --no-dev-dependencies --up-to-date --no-dependency-overrides.

✔ 10/10 points: Package supports latest stable Dart and Flutter SDKs

✔ 20/20 points: Compatible with dependency constraint lower bounds

pub downgrade does not expose any static analysis error.
