This service covers user account storage, to include cards and addresses
We'd love to see community contributions. We like to keep it simple and use Github issues to track bugs and feature requests and pull requests to manage contributions.
Checkout the API Spec here
make build
docker-compose build
make test
docker-compose up -d user-db
./bin/user -port=8080 -database=mongodb -mongo-host=localhost:27017
docker-compose up
curl http://localhost:8080/health
Test user account passwords can be found in the comments in users-db-test/scripts/customer-insert.js
curl http://localhost:8080/customers
curl http://localhost:8080/cards
curl http://localhost:8080/addresses
curl http://localhost:8080/#
curl http://localhost:8080/register
make dockertravisbuild
To test with Zipkin
docker-compose -f docker-compose-zipkin.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-zipkin.yml up
It takes about 10 seconds to seed data
you should see it at: http://localhost:9411/
be sure to hit the "Find Traces" button. You may need to reload the page.
when done you can run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-zipkin.yml down