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Giles Lewis edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 9 revisions


This is the default action (unless truncate: true is specified). It is effectively an "Upsert" (i.e. Update/Insert). The loader will first try to update the target table based on the primary key (sys_id). If the update is unsuccessful because the target record is missing then an insert will be performed.

This action may be combined with created, since, filter or partition.

For incremental loads since the last run refer to Metrics.


This is the default action if truncate: true is specified. The loader will insert the record into the target table. If a primary key violation occurs then the record will be skipped.

This action may be combined with created, since, filter or partition.

For loading history from large tables refer to Partition.


This action compares the timestamps (sys_updated_on) in the source and target tables and based on this comparison it will insert, update, or delete the target record. The target record will be skipped if sys_updated_on matches.

This action may be combined with a created parameter if you only want to compare records created within a date range or since a certain date.

Since 3.4.0 the use of filter is permitted. Records which do not match the filter will be deleted.

For large tables the use of partition is recommended.

Warning: action: sync does NOT do a full record compare.


This action creates an empty table if one does not already exist. Available since 3.4.0. If drop: true is specified then any existing table will first be dropped.

- action: create
  source: incident
  target: incident_temp
  drop: true


This action executes an arbitrary SQL statement. It is typically used to call a stored procedure. Available since 3.4.0.

- action: execute
  sql: call my_stored_proc()


This action deletes records in the target table if those records have been deleted in the source table. The list of deleted records is determined by reading sys_audit_delete.

This action is typically combined with the since parameter, in which case the query will filter on sys_audit_delete.sys_created_on.

- {source: change_task, action: prune, since: last}

This action is deprecated since 3.4.0. It is recommended to use action: sync to delete records. Prune is problematic because it requires access to sys_audit_delete, and because some tables are not audited.


This action drops a target table. It is intended for use in test scripts and benchmarks. It is not generally used in production.

metrics: incident_load.metrics
- {name: droptable, action: droptable, target: incident}
- {name: loadtable, action: insert, target: incident, source: incident, action: insert, truncate: false}
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