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Giles Lewis edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 39 revisions

The ServiceNow Data Mart Loader is a Java command-line application which uses the ServiceNow REST API to extract meta-data and data from ServiceNow. The Loader creates tables in an SQL database based on meta-data extracted from ServiceNow. It supports a variety of load and synchronization operation.

Version 3 is essentially a complete rebuild of the application. The following are significant changes since version 2.

  • The SOAP API has been replaced with the REST API and the JSONv2 API for improved performance.
  • The version 2 "script" syntax has been abandoned and replaced with a simpler YAML syntax.
  • Version 3 includes a partition option for improved reliability when backloading large task based tables. (See Historical loads using partitions).
  • Version 3 includes a metrics file option to enable incremental loads since the last run. (See Metrics).
  • Version 3 includes a sync action which compares sys_updated_on to determine which records need to be updated, inserted or deleted. (See Action).
  • While the dialect option is still supported, it is no longer required. By default the code will select a dialect from the templates file based on the JDBC URL.

This program is freely distributed software. You are welcome to redistribute and/or modify it. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, explicit or implied.

For a quick tutorial, please see Getting Started.

For a description of the YAML configuration file see YAML Configuration.

For properties file settings see Connection Profile.

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