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Taboo game in English build as Android app with Kivy framework


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GooglePlay Android

Kaboo is a great game to hang out and have fun with friends! At least 2 teams of 2 people are required to play and one person must make the other of his team guess the words, avoiding saying the forbidden ones!

Kaboo is available on Play Store.

PRE GAME screen GAME screen END GAME screen
HISTORY screen TROPHIES screen SETTINGS screen

DISCLAIMER: This is not official Taboo / Tabu game! Kaboo is not associated with Hasbro or Hersch and Company's Taboo ( Tabou, Tabù, Tabuh, Tabu ) or any other variants of the Taboo products registered trademarks.

How to play

  • GOAL: Kaboo is a team game where players describe words to their teammates without mentioning any of the words listed. The team that guesses the most words wins!
  • ROLE: In each turn, one team guesses and the others watch. In the team that guesses, the Prompter best describes the word on paper, while the teammates guess what it is. Teams alternate roles at each turn.
  • SKIP: If the Prompter is stuck, you can press the Skip button to switch to the next word. Be careful: the skip action can only be used for a limited number of times!
  • MISTAKES: If the Prompter breaks any of the rules, he must mark the word as a mistake and move on to the next word. The score will be decreased by 1.
  • WINNER: At the end of the game, the winning team is the one with the most points!

Dev Section

Build the app with Docker

Use the docker container as specified in the guide. Clone the repository (in other directory) from the official repo and run the build command.

git clone
cd buildozer
docker build --tag=buildozer .

When you change the buildozer.spec you always need to run a buildozer appclean. Then you can

docker run --volume "<absolute_path>":/home/user/hostcwd buildozer appclean
docker run --volume "<absolute_path>":/home/user/hostcwd buildozer android debug # choose (debug|release) 

Build the app with aab support

git clone --single-branch --branch feat/aab-support
cd buildozer
docker build --tag=buildozer-aab .

Make sure you have in your buildozer.spec, the following lines:

android.archs = arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
android.release_artifact = aab
p4a.branch = develop

Create a keystore (do it on Windows, not WSL!)

mkdir -p ./keystores/
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ./keystores/${KEYSTORE_NAME}.keystore -alias ${KEYSTORE_ALIAS} -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 75000
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ./keystores/${KEYSTORE_NAME}.keystore -destkeystore ./keystores/${KEYSTORE_NAME}.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12
# replace here with your keystore pass
docker run --volume "<absolute_path>":/home/user/hostcwd buildozer-aab -v init
docker run --volume "<absolute_path>":/home/user/hostcwd buildozer-aab appclean
docker run \
     --volume "<absolute_path>":/home/user/hostcwd \
     --volume "<absolute_path>\keystores":/home/user/keystores \
     -e P4A_RELEASE_KEYSTORE=/home/user/keystores/${KEYSTORE_NAME}.keystore \
     buildozer-aab -v android release
Verify the aab with Bundletools + ADB

Put your generated .aab file into the bin folder. Verify

bundletool validate --bundle bin/kaboo-release.aab

Create APK To have it signed you have to pass also keystore

bundletool build-apks --mode universal --bundle bin/kaboo-release.aab --output bin/kaboo-release.apks --ks keystores/{KEYSTORE_NAME}.keystore --ks-key-alias {KEYSTORE_ALIAS} --ks-pass pass:{KEYSTORE_PASS}


bundletool install-multi-apks --apks bin/kaboo-release.apks

Debug with android

adb devices  # ensures the device is connected and appears in the list
adb logcat | findstr com.kames.kaboo  # or python


Taboo game in English build as Android app with Kivy framework







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  • Python 67.1%
  • kvlang 32.9%