DESCRIPTION: The Simon Game is a classic memory-based game where players need to remember a sequence of coloured blocks and replicate it to progress. This project is a web-based implementation of the Simon Game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game presents a series of colored boxes that flashup up in a specific order, and the player's objective is to mimic that sequence.
FEATURES: Interactive Gameplay: The game provides an interactive experience where players can click on the colored boxes to replicate the sequence shown. Randomized Sequences: The game generates random sequences of colored boxes, making each playthrough unique and challenging. Progressive Difficulty: As the player successfully replicates each sequence, the game gradually increases the sequence length, making it more challenging as the player advances. User Feedback: The game provides visual and auditory feedback to indicate correct and incorrect responses from the player.
HOW TO PLAY: Start: Press any "key" on the keyboard to initiate the game. Watch and Remember: Observe the sequence of colored boxes as they flashup up in a specific order. Replicate: After the sequence stops, click on the colored boxes in the same order as they appeared. Success: If you successfully replicate the sequence, the game will add another box to the sequence and continue. Failure: If you replicate the sequence incorrectly, the game will indicate a red flashup window with buzzer sound, and you can choose to start over.
TECHNOLOGIES USED: HTML: Used to structure the game interface and content. CSS: Styled the game interface to create an appealing visual experience. JavaScript: Implemented game logic, sequence generation, user interactions, and feedback mechanisms. jQuery: Utilized jQuery library for easier DOM manipulation and event handling.
Enjoy the game!