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Version 3.0 Migration Guide

Brent Ely edited this page Feb 28, 2020 · 11 revisions

Upgrading from v1.x/v2.x

Important Notes

  • There are major breaking changes in Version 3.0
  • Existing applications will not function unless you update your code!

Code Updates

Saving Presentations

The save() method has been removed.

Use one of these new methods instead - all of them return a Promise.

Save Methods Description
writeFile(name) browser-based apps: downloads file. node apps: uses fs to write to the local file system
write(type) returns the presentation in selected type (arraybuffer, blob, base64, and more)
stream() returns the presentation as a stream

Creating Presentations

Old Method Name New Method Name
addNewSlide() addSlide()
addSlidesForTable() tableToSlides()

Presentation Properties

PptxGenJS now exposes properties using ES5 JavaScript getters/setters.

Old Method Name New Method Name
pptx.setAuthor('Brent Ely') = 'Brent Ely'
pptx.setCompany('STAR Labs') = 'STAR Labs'
pptx.setRevision('15') pptx.revision = '15'
pptx.setSubject('Report') pptx.subject = 'Report'
pptx.setTitle('My Presentation') pptx.title = 'My Presentation'
pptx.setRTL(true) pptx.rtlMode = true
pptx.setLayout('LAYOUT_4x3') pptx.layout = 'LAYOUT_4x3'

Presentation Layouts

Create custom sized layouts (e.g.: A3)

pptx.defineLayout({ name:'A3', width:16.5, height:11.7 });

Using custom layouts

pptx.layout = 'A3';

Slide Properties

Old Name New Name Example
back bkgd slide.bkgd = 'F1F1F1'



Old Option New Option
{align: 'middle'} {align: 'center'}


Old Option New Option
{border: 'none'} {border: {type:'none'}}
{shadow: 'none'} {shadow: {type:'none'}}


Completely updated integration for Angular, Electron, React, etc.

  • jQuery is no longer required
  • JSZip is the sole requirement
  • PptxGenJS/dist now has 3 versions of the library: min, es, and cjs

TypeScript Definitions

  • The library is now written in TypeScript
  • All new, updated definitions (generated by build tools!)

API Documents