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alex-ren edited this page May 27, 2015 · 6 revisions

ATspkgreloc is a set of tools including both atspkgreloc_curl and atspkgreloc_wget, which help download files into local directories. Their source code can be found at:

Though providing similar functionalities, the usages of these two tools are a little bit different. In the following text, we shall introduce atspkgreloc_curl first then atspkgreloc_wget.

##atspkgreloc_curl When invoking atspkgreloc_curl, we can specify the name of a file, whose content is written in JSON and specifies the source of files as well as the local storage.


Atspkgreloc is meant to be a convenient tool for people to share ATS code [1].

The command plus some examples can be found at:

Say we have the following line in some code;

staload T = "{}/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/SATS/intinf_t.sats"

What is inside {...} is to be replaced with the value of ATSPKGRELOCROOT after pre-processing. Following is a complete example. Say the example is stored in a file named test02.dats. If you do

patsopt --pkgreloc -d test02.dats

you will see some text in JSON format printed out. For instance, one entry looks like this:

"pkgreloc_kind": "staload"
"pkgreloc_target": "/tmp/.ATSPKGRELOCROOT-hwxi/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/DATS/intinf_t.dats"
"pkgreloc_source": ""

You can use the command atspkgreloc to relocate the source to the target:

patsopt --pkgreloc -d test02.dats | atspkgreloc

Then test02.dats can be compiled by using patscc. The following Makefile contains all the details needed:

** A test for atspkgreloc
(* ****** ****** *)
(* ****** ****** *)

ATS_PACKNAME "atspkgreloc_test02"

(* ****** ****** *)
require(*HX-2014-05-01: this one is required by others*)
(* ****** ****** *)

staload "{}/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/SATS/intinf.sats"
staload T = "{}/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/SATS/intinf_t.sats"
staload _ = "{}/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/DATS/intinf_t.dats"
staload _ = "{}/contrib/libats-hwxi/intinf/DATS/intinf_vt.dats"

(* ****** ****** *)

  x: int (i)
) : $T.Intinf = let
if x = 0
  then $T.int2intinf(1)
  else let
    val r1 = fact (x - 1)
    $T.mul_int_intinf (x, r1)
  end // end of [else]
// end of [if]
end // end of [fact]

(* ****** ****** *)

overload print with $T.print_intinf

(* ****** ****** *)

main0 () = () where
val N = 100
val () = println! ("fact(", N, ") = ", fact(N))
} (* end of [main0] *)

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [test02.dats] *)
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