This project provides a Prometheus exporter for the Axway API-Management solution based on the metrics provided by the Admin Node Manager (ANM). The Prometheus Exporter retrieves the metrics provided by the ANM at a configurable interval, converts them into format necessary for the Prometheus scraper, and makes them available on an HTTP endpoint. Here you can see an example.
The Prometheus exporter is made available as a Docker image based on the Axway API builder, a Node.js application, and ideally runs in a container platform as a microservice. Alternatively, you can also run the container using Docker.
This illustration provides a basic overview about the workflow:
The following screenshot shows an example dashboard of how the data could be visualized in Grafana. You may install this Dashboard into your Grafana using the JSON-Export.
The goal of the solution is to run the Axway API-Management Prometheus exporter as a Docker container. A Helm-Chart is provided for installation into a Kubernetes cluster. We recommend creating a values.local.yaml
to be able to version their configuration accordingly. Please check the base values.yaml for more documentation about individidual parameters.
You can find an example here: example.local.values.yaml
To install the Helm-Chart:
wget -O local.values.yaml
helm install -n <your-namespace> <name> -f <path-to-you-local-values>
Alternatively, you can launch the Prometheus Exporter as a Docker container using Docker. Use the following command to create a new container with the appropriate environment variables and start it.
docker run -d --name axway-prom-exporter -e ANM_URL='https://anm:8090' -e 'ANM_USERNAME=admin' -e 'ANM_PASSWORD=mypassword' cwiechmann/apibuilder4prometheus
You can also use an environment file to configure the necessary environment variables.
docker run -d --name axway-prom-exporter --env-file ./prom-env cwiechmann/apibuilder4prometheus
To stop and start the container use:
docker stop axway-prom-exporter
docker start axway-prom-exporter
The Prometheus Exporter is configured using environment variables, which are explained below.
Variable | Example | Comment |
ANM_URL | | URL of the admin node manager incl. port. Hostname must be resolvable in the running Docker container. |
ANM_USERNAME | prom-user | User for communication with the ANM. Must have rights to read the monitoring information. |
ANM_PASSWORD | prom-user-password | Password of the Admin-Node-Manager user |
LOG_LEVEL | debug | Debug level of the Prometheus-Exporter application. Defaults to info. Don't set debug in production. |
POLL_SERVICE_METRICS_INTERVAL | 30000 | How often should Service-Metrics (i.e. APIs-Requests, Duration) be fetched from the ANM. The shorter the interval, the more granular the metrics, but possibly more load on the ANM. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds) |
POLL_SYSTEM_METRICS_INTERVAL | 30000 | How often should System-Metrics (i.e. CPU-, Disk-Usage, ...) be fetched from the ANM. The shorter the interval, the more granular the metrics, but possibly more load on the ANM. Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds) |
As a kickstarter, feel free to use the Grafana dashboard:
Example-Dashboard-API-Gateway System overview.json
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