This repo contains the code for controlling both a real and a simulated two wheeled inverted pendulum robot via ROS2.
- Linear Quadratic Regulator
- Linear Quadratic Integral Regulator
- Least Square Linear Quadratic Regulator
- Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator (MIT rule)
- Sliding Mode
- RL policy via IsaacGym
- Nonlinear MPC via Acados
- Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator
- Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator via Crocoddyl
- Predictive Sampling
- Extended Kalman Filter
It includes the following folders and subfolders:
: most of the ROS2 nodes call some classes here -
: scenes used for simulating the robot (CoppeliaSim or Mujoco) -
: collection of ROS2 nodes for controlling the robot and some external folders such assimExtROS2
(dependencies for CoppeliaSim)
- clone the repo recursively
git clone --recurse-submodules
install miniforge (x86_64)
create an environment using the file in the folder installation/conda:
conda env create -f mamba_environment.yml
follow the instruction here to install ros-humble
add in your .bashrc
alias twip_env="conda activate twip_env && source your_path_to/Self-Balancing-Robot/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash"
- start your environment and go in ros2_ws
cd your_path_to/Self-Balancing-Robot/ros2_ws
rosdep install -y -r -q --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro humble
ulimit -s unlimited
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- (Optional if you need acados) go inside the acados/acados folder and press
mkdir build
cd build
make install -j4
pip install -e ./../interfaces/acados_template
then in your .bashrc, add
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"/your_path_to/Self-Balancing-Robot/python_scripts/controllers/acados/lib"
export ACADOS_SOURCE_DIR="/your_path_to/Self-Balancing-Robot/python_scripts/controllers/acados"
- (Optional if you want CoppeliaSim) download CoppeliaSim and put in your .bashrc
export COPPELIASIM_ROOT_DIR=your_path_to/CoppeliaSim
- on a new terminal
ros2 run controllers <control_node>
where in <control_node> you can choose the type of controller you want.
- If using Mujoco
ros2 run simulations run_mujoco_simulation
- If using Coppeliasim, launch it and run the scene
in the folder coppeliasim_simulation
./ -f your_path_to/Self-Balancing-Robot/coppeliasim_simulation/self_balancing_robot.ttt
- to command the robot with a joystick
ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy joy_config:='xbox'
Still working in progress, the real robot does not exist yet.