Allows you to quickly query a live Windows machine for RAM artifacts
This tool utilizes the Winpmem drivers to access physical memory, and Volatility for analysis.
- Drivers updated to work with Device Guard
- Should be tested on machines before deploying as some Windows 10 builds may BSOD.
- Builds that may BSOD: 1607 and 1709
The following are currently supported:
- apihooks
- atoms
- cmdline
- dlldump
- dlllist
- driverirp
- dumpfiles
- envars
- getsids
- handles
- ldrmodules
- malfind
- moddump
- modules
- netscan
- privs
- procdump
- pslist
- psxview
- shimcachemem
- svcscan
- vaddump
- vadinfo
- verinfo
- volshell
- yarascan
usage: memtriage.exe [-h] [--unload] [--load] [--debug] [--service SERVICE]
[--output OUTPUT] [--dumpdir DUMPDIR] [--base BASE]
[--offset OFFSET] [--memory MEMORY] [--pid PID] [--leave]
[--plugins PLUGINS] [--physoffset PHYSOFFSET]
[--physical] [--ignore] [--regex REGEX] [--name NAME]
[--keepname] [--outfile OUTFILE] [--yararules YARARULES]
[--yarafile YARAFILE] [--kernel] [--all] [--case]
[--wide] [--size SIZE] [--reverse REVERSE]
Memtriage options:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--unload Unload the driver and exit
--load Load the driver and exit
--debug Output debug messages while running
--service SERVICE Change the service name (default: pmem)
--output OUTPUT Output type: json/text/csv
--dumpdir DUMPDIR Directory to dump files to
--base BASE Base of PE file to dump (dlldump,procdump,moddump)
--offset OFFSET Physical offset of process to act on
--memory MEMORY Carve as a memory sample rather than exe/disk
--pid PID Operate on this process ID
--leave Leave pmem service running with driver
--plugins PLUGINS Comma delimited list of plugins to run: apihooks atoms
cmdline dlldump dlllist driverirp dumpfiles envars
getsids handles ldrmodules malfind moddump modules
netscan privs procdump pslist psxview shimcachemem
svcscan vaddump vadinfo verinfo volshell yarascan
--physoffset PHYSOFFSET
Dump File Object at physical address PHYSOFFSET
--physical Display the physical address of object
--ignore Ignore case in pattern match (dumpfiles,verinfo)
--regex REGEX Dump files matching REGEX (dumpfiles,driverirp,privs)
--name NAME Name of process/object to operate on
--keepname Keep original file name (dumpfiles)
--outfile OUTFILE Combined output file (default: stdout)
--yararules YARARULES
Yara rule given on the commandline (yarascan)
--yarafile YARAFILE Yara rules given as a file (yarascan)
--kernel Scan kernel memory (yarascan)
--all Scan both process and kernel memory (yarascan)
--case Make the search case insensitive (yarascan)
--wide Match wide (unicode) strings (yarascan)
--size SIZE Size of preview hexdump in bytes (default: 256)
--reverse REVERSE Reverse [REVERSE] number of bytes (default: 0)
Memtriage will attempt to figure out the profile automattically and run with the appropriate settings. If there is a not an exact match, Memtriage will attempt to use the closest named profile available. Therefore, there is a possibility that object definitions won't line up exactly (like process names etc), which you may also see when running Volatility with an incorrect profile. Profiles can be added to the Volatility code, and the executable can be recompiled with pyinstaller
By default, memtriage.exe
will attempt to load the driver when it first runs, and unload it when it exits. You may however load and unload the driver manually with the --load
and --unload
options. You may also request that the driver remain loaded after plugins have finished running with the --leave
> memtriage.exe --leave --plugins=dumpfiles --dumpdir=outdir --physoffset=1066160184 --keepname
The default service name that is created is pmem
. You may specify a different service name with the --service=
option. You must then use this --service=
option for future invocations if you leave the driver loaded. Example:
> memtriage.exe --leave --service=somename --plugins=dlllist --pid=2924
> memtriage.exe --unload --service=somename
You may run several plugins at a time by specifying them with comma delimitation with the --plugins=
option. Example:
> memtriage.exe --plugins=pslist,handles,dlllist
Other options will be used for the appropriate plugin. Example:
> memtriage.exe --plugins=pslist,handles,dlllist,dlldump,dumpfiles,shimcachemem,volshell --outfile=outfile.txt --pid=2924 --dumpdir=outdir --leave --keepname --physoffset=1066160184
You can find releases, including a pyinstaller
standalone executable here: