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AWS CloudWatch Terraform Modules

Terraform modules for AWS CloudWatch alarms.


The following modules are available

Module Name Purpose
api-gateway-alarms CloudWatch alarms for API gateway
api-gateway-v2-alarms CloudWatch alarms for API gateway V2
dashboard-widget Generate a widget for CloudWatch dashboards
lambda-alarms CloudWatch alarms for lambda
lambda-metrics CloudWatch metric filters for lambda
sqs-queue-alarms CloudWatch alarms for SQS
widget-metrics Generate metric expressions for CloudWatch widgets


Use this module to create CloudWatch alarms for API gateway V1 (REST APIs).

  • P95 request latency
  • 4xx response rate
  • 5xx response rate


Name Description
rest_api_name The name of your API gateway
request_latency_p95_threshold The maximum P95 request latency in milliseconds before triggering the alarm. Default 1500
request_latency_p95_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
request_latency_p95_number_of_periods The number of periods the P95 request latency threshold must be breached for. Default 5
bad_request_rate_threshold The maximum percentage of 4xx responses before triggering the alarm. Default 5
bad_request_rate_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
bad_request_rate_number_of_periods The number of periods the 4xx response rate threshold must be breached for. Default 1
internal_error_rate_threshold The maximum percentage of 5xx responses before triggering the alarm. Default 1
internal_error_rate_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
internal_error_rate_number_of_periods The number of periods the 5xx response rate threshold must be breached for. Default 2
routes List of routes for creating alarms-per-route. See routes variable.
alarm_actions A list of SNS topic ARNs to send alarm events to
alarm_actions_enabled Set to false to silence the alarms. Default true
tags A map of tags to be added to AWS resources



Example usage

module api_gateway_alarms {
  source                        = ""
  alarm_actions                 = [module.slack_alerts.sns_topic_arn]
  rest_api_name                 = "my-api-gateway"
  bad_request_rate_threshold    = 5
  internal_error_rate_threshold = 1
  request_latency_p95_threshold = 1500
  routes = [
      resource = "/health"
      method = "GET"
      stage = local.stage_name
      latency_p95_threshold = 500
      latency_p95_period = 60
      latency_p95_number_of_periods = 5
      bad_request_rate_threshold = 1
      bad_request_rate_period = 60
      bad_request_rate_number_of_periods = 5
      internal_error_rate_threshold = 1
      internal_error_rate_period = 60
      internal_error_rate_number_of_periods = 3
      resource = "/graphql"
      method = "POST"
      stage = local.stage_name
      latency_p95_threshold = 2000
      latency_p95_period = 60
      latency_p95_number_of_periods = 5
      bad_request_rate_threshold = 1
      bad_request_rate_period = 60
      bad_request_rate_number_of_periods = 5
      internal_error_rate_threshold = 1
      internal_error_rate_period = 60
      internal_error_rate_number_of_periods = 3


Use this module to create CloudWatch alarms for API gateway V2 (HTTP APIs).

  • P95 request latency
  • 4xx response rate
  • 5xx response rate


Name Description
rest_api_id The ID of your API gateway
rest_api_name The name of your API gateway
request_latency_p95_threshold The maximum P95 request latency in milliseconds before triggering the alarm. Default 1500
request_latency_p95_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
request_latency_p95_number_of_periods The number of periods the P95 request latency threshold must be breached for. Default 5
bad_request_rate_threshold The maximum percentage of 4xx responses before triggering the alarm. Default 5
bad_request_rate_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
bad_request_rate_number_of_periods The number of periods the 4xx response rate threshold must be breached for. Default 1
internal_error_rate_threshold The maximum percentage of 5xx responses before triggering the alarm. Default 1
internal_error_rate_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
internal_error_rate_number_of_periods The number of periods the 5xx response rate threshold must be breached for. Default 2
alarm_actions A list of SNS topic ARNs to send alarm events to
alarm_actions_enabled Set to false to silence the alarms. Default true
tags A map of tags to be added to AWS resources



Example usage

module "api_gateway_alarms" {
  source                        = ""
  alarm_actions                 = [module.slack_alerts.sns_topic_arn]
  rest_api_name                 =
  rest_api_id                   =
  bad_request_rate_threshold    = 5
  internal_error_rate_threshold = 1
  request_latency_p95_threshold = 1500


Use this module to create a widget to place on a CloudWatch dashboard.


Name Description
title A title to be displayed on the widget
metrics An array of arrays specifying metrics to be displayed on the widget
region The AWS region to display metric data for
position (optional) A map with x and y properties that position the widget on the dashboard
size (optional) A map with width and height properties that position the widget on the dashboard
legend_position (optional) Position of legend. "bottom"/"right"/"hidden". Default bottom
show_labels (optional) Show or hide labels. Default true.


Name Description
widget The resulting widget object to be added to a CloudWatch dashboard

Example usage

module my_widget {
  source    = ""
  title     = "HTTP requests"
  region    = "eu-west-1"
  metrics = [


Use this module to create CloudWatch alarms for lambda functions.

  • Error count
  • Duration count
  • Concurrent Executions count


Name Description
function_name The name of your lambda function
is_edge_lambda True if your lambda function is Lambda@Edge (CloudFront)
error_rate_threshold The maximum percentage of errors before triggering the alarm. Default 1
error_rate_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
error_rate_number_of_periods The number of periods the error rate threshold must be breached for. Default 3
duration_average_threshold The average execution duration in milliseconds before triggering the alarm. Default 2000
duration_average_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
duration_average_number_of_periods The number of periods the average duration threshold must be breached for. Default 3
duration_p95_threshold The p95 execution duration in milliseconds before triggering the alarm. Default 5000
duration_p95_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
duration_p95_number_of_periods The number of periods the p95 duration threshold must be breached for. Default 3
concurrent_executions_threshold The number of concurrent executions before triggering the alarm. Default 300
concurrent_executions_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
concurrent_execution_number_of_periods The number of periods the concurrent execution threshold must be breached. Default 3
alarm_actions A list of SNS topic ARNs to send alarm events to
alarm_actions_enabled Set to false to silence the alarms. Default true
tags A map of tags to be added to AWS resources



Example usage

module lambda_alarms {
  source                        = ""
  alarm_actions                 = [module.slack_alerts.sns_topic_arn]
  function_name                 = aws_lambda_function.my_function.function_name
  error_rate_threshold          = 1
  error_rate_number_of_periods  = 3


Use this module to create CloudWatch metrics for lambda functions.

  • LambdaMaxMemoryUsed - The maximum memory used during function invocation.
  • LambdaColdStartDuration - The duration of the function invocation for cold start executions.
  • LambdaColdStartCount - A count of cold start invocations.
  • LambdaInitDuration - The time taken for lambda to prepare the execution environment on cold start.
  • LambdaBilledDuration - The duration used for lambda billing for the invocation.

The CloudWatch log group must exist before this module can be deployed. You can use the aws_cloudwatch_log_group resources to create it.


Name Description
lambda_function_name The name of your lambda function.
lambda_log_group_name The name of your lambda CloudWatch log group.
create_max_memory_metric Set to true to create the LambdaMaxMemoryUsed metric. Defaults to true.
create_cold_duration_metric Set to true to create the LambdaColdStartDuration metric. Defaults to true.
create_cold_count_metric Set to true to create the LambdaColdStartCount metric. Defaults to true.
create_init_duration_metric Set to true to create the LambdaInitDuration metric. Defaults to false.
create_billed_duration_metric Set to true to create the LambdaBilledDuration metric. Defaults to false.



Example usage

module "lambda_metrics" {
  source                 = ""
  lambda_function_name   = aws_lambda_function.my_function.function_name
  lambda_log_group_name  =


Use this module to create CloudWatch alarms for SQS queues.

  • Maximum message age
  • Messages in the deadletter queue


Name Description
queue_name The name of your SQS queue
deadletter_queue_name The name of your SQS deadletter queue
message_age_threshold The maximum message age in seconds before triggering the alarm. Default 900
message_age_period The number of seconds per evaluation period. Default 60
message_age_number_of_periods The number of periods the message age threshold must be breached for. Default 1
alarm_actions A list of SNS topic ARNs to send alarm events to
alarm_actions_enabled Set to false to silence the alarms. Default true
tags A map of tags to be added to AWS resources



Example usage

module sqs_alarms {
  source                = ""
  alarm_actions         = [module.slack_alerts.sns_topic_arn]
  queue_name            =
  deadletter_queue_name =


Use this module to create metric expressions to place on a CloudWatch dashboard widget.


Name Description
metric_namespace The CloudWatch metrics namespace to get metrics for
http_services A list of HTTP service names as used in the common monitoring package
http_hosts A list of HTTP host names as used in the common monitoring package
http_operation_names A list of HTTP operation names as used in the common monitoring package
sqs_queues A list of SQS queue names as used in the common monitoring package
sqs_operation_names A list of SQS operation names as used in the common monitoring package
sns_topics A list of SNS topic names as used in the common monitoring package
sns_operation_names A list of SNS operation names as used in the common monitoring package
dynamodb_tables A list of DynamoDB table names as used in the common monitoring package
dynamodb_operation_names A list of DynamoDB operation names as used in the common monitoring package
s3_buckets A list of S3 bucket names as used in the common monitoring package
s3_operation_names A list of S3 operation names as used in the common monitoring package


Name Description
dynamodb_request_count Count of DynamoDb requests
dynamodb_request_duration_average Average DynamoDb request duration
dynamodb_request_duration_p95 p95 DynamoDb request duration
dynamodb_timeout_count Count of DynamoDb request timeouts
dynamodb_error_count Count of DynamoDb error responses
dynamodb_table_request_count_search Count of DynamoDb requests by tables
dynamodb_table_request_count Count of DynamoDb requests by dynamodb_tables input
dynamodb_table_request_duration_average_search Average DynamoDb request duration by tables
dynamodb_table_request_duration_average Average DynamoDb request duration by dynamodb_tables input
dynamodb_table_request_duration_p95_search p95 DynamoDb request duration by tables
dynamodb_table_request_duration_p95 p95 DynamoDb request duration by dynamodb_tables input
dynamodb_table_timeout_count_search Count of DynamoDb request timeouts by tables
dynamodb_table_timeout_count Count of DynamoDb request timeouts by dynamodb_tables input
dynamodb_table_error_count_search Count of DynamoDb error responses by tables
dynamodb_table_error_count Count of DynamoDb error responses by dynamodb_tables input
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_count_search Count of DynamoDb requests by all tables and operation names
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_count Count of DynamoDb requests by dynamodb_tables and dynamodb_operation_names inputs
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_duration_average_search Average DynamoDb request duration by all tables and operation names
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_duration_average Average DynamoDb request duration by dynamodb_tables and dynamodb_operation_names inputs
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_duration_p95_search p95 DynamoDb request duration by all tables and operation names
dynamodb_table_operation_name_request_duration_p95 p95 DynamoDb request duration by dynamodb_tables and dynamodb_operation_names inputs
dynamodb_table_operation_name_timeout_count_search Count of DynamoDb request timeouts by all tables and operation names
dynamodb_table_operation_name_timeout_count Count of DynamoDb request timeouts by dynamodb_tables and dynamodb_operation_names inputs
dynamodb_table_operation_name_error_count_search Count of DynamoDb error responses by all tables and operation names
dynamodb_table_operation_name_error_count Count of DynamoDb error responses by dynamodb_tables and dynamodb_operation_names inputs
http_request_count Count of HTTP requests
http_duration_average Average HTTP request duration
http_duration_p95 p95 HTTP request duration
http_5xx_status_count Count of 5xx HTTP responses
http_4xx_status_count Count of 4xx HTTP responses
http_2xx_status_count Count of 2xx HTTP responses
http_timeout_count Count of HTTP request timeouts
http_service_request_count_search Count of HTTP requests by all service names
http_service_request_count Count of HTTP requests by http_services input
http_service_duration_average_search Average HTTP request duration by all service names
http_service_duration_average Average HTTP request duration by http_services input
http_service_duration_p95_search p95 HTTP request duration by all service names
http_service_duration_p95 p95 HTTP request duration by http_services input
http_service_5xx_status_count_search Count of 5xx HTTP responses by all service names
http_service_5xx_status_count Count of 5xx HTTP responses by http_services input
http_service_4xx_status_count_search Count of 4xx HTTP responses by all service names
http_service_4xx_status_count Count of 4xx HTTP responses by http_services input
http_service_2xx_status_count_search Count of 2xx HTTP responses by all service names
http_service_2xx_status_count Count of 2xx HTTP responses by http_services input
http_service_timeout_count_search Count of HTTP request timeouts by all service names
http_service_timeout_count Count of HTTP request timeouts by http_services input
http_host_request_count_search Count of HTTP requests by all host names
http_host_request_count Count of HTTP requests by http_hosts input
http_host_duration_average_search Average HTTP request duration by all host names
http_host_duration_average Average HTTP request duration by http_hosts input
http_host_duration_p95_search p95 HTTP request duration by all host names
http_host_duration_p95 p95 HTTP request duration by http_hosts input
http_host_5xx_status_count_search Count of 5xx HTTP responses by all host names
http_host_5xx_status_count Count of 5xx HTTP responses by http_hosts input
http_host_4xx_status_count_search Count of 4xx HTTP responses by all host names
http_host_4xx_status_count Count of 4xx HTTP responses by http_hosts input
http_host_2xx_status_count_search Count of 2xx HTTP responses by all host names
http_host_2xx_status_count Count of 2xx HTTP responses by http_hosts input
http_host_timeout_count_search Count of HTTP request timeouts by all host names
http_host_timeout_count Count of HTTP request timeouts by http_hosts input
http_operation_request_count_search Count of HTTP requests by all operation names
http_operation_request_count Count of HTTP requests by http_operation_names input
http_operation_duration_average_search Average HTTP request duration by all operation names
http_operation_duration_average Average HTTP request duration by http_operation_names input
http_operation_duration_p95_search p95 HTTP request duration by all operation names
http_operation_duration_p95 p95 HTTP request duration by http_operation_names input
http_operation_5xx_status_count_search Count of 5xx HTTP responses by all operation names
http_operation_5xx_status_count Count of 5xx HTTP responses by http_operation_names input
http_operation_4xx_status_count_search Count of 4xx HTTP responses by all operation names
http_operation_4xx_status_count Count of 4xx HTTP responses by http_operation_names input
http_operation_2xx_status_count_search Count of 2xx HTTP responses by all operation names
http_operation_2xx_status_count Count of 2xx HTTP responses by http_operation_names input
http_operation_timeout_count_search Count of HTTP request timeouts by all operation names
http_operation_timeout_count Count of HTTP request timeouts by http_operation_names input
http_service_operation_request_count_search Count of HTTP requests by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_request_count Count of HTTP requests by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_duration_average_search Average HTTP request duration by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_duration_average Average HTTP request duration by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_duration_p95_search p95 HTTP request duration by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_duration_p95 p95 HTTP request duration by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_5xx_status_count_search Count of 5xx HTTP responses by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_5xx_status_count Count of 5xx HTTP responses by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_4xx_status_count_search Count of 4xx HTTP responses by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_4xx_status_count Count of 4xx HTTP responses by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_2xx_status_count_search Count of 2xx HTTP responses by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_2xx_status_count Count of 2xx HTTP responses by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
http_service_operation_timeout_count_search Count of HTTP request timeouts by all services and operation names
http_service_operation_timeout_count Count of HTTP request timeouts by http_services and http_operation_names inputs
s3_request_count Count of S3 requests
s3_duration_average Average S3 request duration
s3_duration_p95 p95 S3 request duration
s3_timeout_count Count of S3 request timeouts
s3_error_count Count of S3 error responses
s3_bucket_request_count_search Count of S3 requests by all buckets
s3_bucket_request_count Count of S3 requests by s3_buckets input
s3_bucket_duration_average_search Average S3 request duration by all buckets
s3_bucket_duration_average Average S3 request duration by s3_buckets input
s3_bucket_duration_p95_search p95 S3 request duration by all buckets
s3_bucket_duration_p95 p95 S3 request duration by s3_buckets input
s3_bucket_timeout_count_search Count of S3 request timeouts by all buckets
s3_bucket_timeout_count Count of S3 request timeouts by s3_buckets input
s3_bucket_error_count_search Count of S3 error responses by all buckets
s3_bucket_error_count Count of S3 error responses by s3_buckets input
s3_bucket_operation_name_request_count_search Count of S3 requests by all buckets and operation names
s3_bucket_operation_name_request_count Count of S3 requests by s3_buckets and s3_operation_names inputs
s3_bucket_operation_name_duration_average_search Average S3 request duration by all buckets and operation names
s3_bucket_operation_name_duration_average Average S3 request duration by s3_buckets and s3_operation_names inputs
s3_bucket_operation_name_duration_p95_search p95 S3 request duration by all buckets and operation names
s3_bucket_operation_name_duration_p95 p95 S3 request duration by s3_buckets and s3_operation_names inputs
s3_bucket_operation_name_timeout_count_search Count of S3 request timeouts by all buckets and operation names
s3_bucket_operation_name_timeout_count Count of S3 request timeouts by s3_buckets and s3_operation_names inputs
s3_bucket_operation_name_error_count_search Count of S3 error responses by all buckets and operation names
s3_bucket_operation_name_error_count Count of S3 error responses by s3_buckets and s3_operation_names inputs
s3_bucket_operation_type_request_count_search Count of S3 requests by all buckets and operation types
s3_bucket_operation_type_request_count Count of S3 requests by s3_buckets and s3_operation_types inputs
s3_bucket_operation_type_duration_average_search Average S3 request duration by all buckets and operation types
s3_bucket_operation_type_duration_average Average S3 request duration by s3_buckets and s3_operation_types inputs
s3_bucket_operation_type_duration_p95_search p95 S3 request duration by all buckets and operation types
s3_bucket_operation_type_duration_p95 p95 S3 request duration by s3_buckets and s3_operation_types inputs
s3_bucket_operation_type_timeout_count_search Count of S3 request timeouts by all buckets and operation types
s3_bucket_operation_type_timeout_count Count of S3 request timeouts by s3_buckets and s3_operation_types inputs
s3_bucket_operation_type_error_count_search Count of S3 error responses by all buckets and operation types
s3_bucket_operation_type_error_count Count of S3 error responses by s3_buckets and s3_operation_types inputs
sns_request_count Count of SNS requests
sns_duration_average Average SNS request duration
sns_duration_p95 p95 SNS request duration
sns_timeout_count Count of SNS request timeouts
sns_error_count Count of SNS error responses
sns_topic_request_count_search Count of SNS requests by all topics
sns_topic_request_count Count of SNS requests by sns_topics input
sns_topic_duration_average_search Average SNS request duration by all topics
sns_topic_duration_average Average SNS request duration by sns_topics input
sns_topic_duration_p95_search p95 SNS request duration by all topics
sns_topic_duration_p95 p95 SNS request duration by sns_topics input
sns_topic_timeout_count_search Count of SNS request timeouts by all topics
sns_topic_timeout_count Count of SNS request timeouts by sns_topics input
sns_topic_error_count_search Count of SNS error responses by all topics
sns_topic_error_count Count of SNS error responses by sns_topics input
sns_topic_operation_name_request_count_search Count of SNS requests by all topics and operation names
sns_topic_operation_name_request_count Count of SNS requests by sns_topics and sns_operation_names inputs
sns_topic_operation_name_duration_average_search Average SNS request duration by all topics and operation names
sns_topic_operation_name_duration_average Average SNS request duration by sns_topics and sns_operation_names inputs
sns_topic_operation_name_duration_p95_search p95 SNS request duration by all topics and operation names
sns_topic_operation_name_duration_p95 p95 SNS request duration by sns_topics and sns_operation_names inputs
sns_topic_operation_name_timeout_count_search Count of SNS request timeouts by all topics and operation names
sns_topic_operation_name_timeout_count Count of SNS request timeouts by sns_topics and sns_operation_names inputs
sns_topic_operation_name_error_count_search Count of SNS error responses by all topics and operation names
sns_topic_operation_name_error_count Count of SNS error responses sns_topics and sns_operation_names inputs
sqs_request_count Count of SQS requests
sqs_duration_average Average SQS request duration
sqs_duration_p95 p95 SQS request duration
sqs_timeout_count Count of SQS request timeouts
sqs_error_count Count of SQS error responses
sqs_queue_request_count_search Count of SQS requests by all queues
sqs_queue_request_count Count of SQS requests by sqs_queues input
sqs_queue_duration_average_search Average SQS request duration by all queues
sqs_queue_duration_average Average SQS request duration by sqs_queues input
sqs_queue_duration_p95_search p95 SQS request duration by all queues
sqs_queue_duration_p95 p95 SQS request duration by sqs_queues input
sqs_queue_timeout_count_search Count of SQS request timeouts by all queues
sqs_queue_timeout_count Count of SQS request timeouts by sqs_queues input
sqs_queue_error_count_search Count of SQS error responses by all queues
sqs_queue_error_count Count of SQS error responses by sqs_queues input
sqs_queue_operation_name_request_count_search Count of SQS requests by all queues and operation names
sqs_queue_operation_name_request_count Count of SQS requests by sqs_queues and sqs_operation_names inputs
sqs_queue_operation_name_duration_average_search Average SQS request duration by all queues and operation names
sqs_queue_operation_name_duration_average Average SQS request duration by sqs_queues and sqs_operation_names inputs
sqs_queue_operation_name_duration_p95_search p95 SQS request duration by all queues and operation names
sqs_queue_operation_name_duration_p95 p95 SQS request duration by sqs_queues and sqs_operation_names inputs
sqs_queue_operation_name_timeout_count_search Count of SQS request timeouts by all queues and operation names
sqs_queue_operation_name_timeout_count Count of SQS request timeouts by sqs_queues and sqs_operation_names inputs
sqs_queue_operation_name_error_count_search Count of SQS error responses by all queues and operation names
sqs_queue_operation_name_error_count Count of SQS error responses sqs_queues and sqs_operation_names inputs

Example usage

module metrics {
  source            = ""
  metric_namespace  = "my-component"


Terraform AWS CloudWatch alarms






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