This is the Bluetooth baseband decoding library, forked from the GR-Bluetooth project. It can be used to extract Bluetooth packet and piconet information from Ubertooth devices as well as GR-Bluetooth/USRP.
This code is incomplete, it is still under active development. Patches and bug reports should be submitted to the bug tracker on GitHub:
This software has been developed and tested on Linux, it should work on other platforms but this has yet to be tested.
Libbtbb can be built and installed as follows:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
This will install the library to /usr/local/lib and the headers to /usr/local/include, to install to different locations use:
$ cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=/path/to/install -DINCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/include ..
If you have previous versions of libbtbb, libubertooth or the Ubertooth tools installed, you can use the cleanup script to remove them:
$ sudo cmake/ -d
To list the installed files without removing them, use:
$ cmake/