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PHP Toolkit - PDFtk

This library provides an object-oriented, simple interface for the most important PDFtk features.

The current build status and code analysis can be found here:


  • PHP 7.1.0 or higher
  • mbstring extension
  • pdftk


The recommended way to install toolkit-pdftk is via composer.

"require": {
    "gmi/toolkit-pdftk": "3.0.*"

Usage examples

use Gmi\Toolkit\Pdftk\Bookmark;
use Gmi\Toolkit\Pdftk\Pdftk;

$source = '/path/to/source.pdf';
$target = '/path/to/target.pdf';

$pdftk = new Pdftk();
// import a source PDF (metadata, page information, bookmarks)

// create an additional bookmark
$exampleBookmark = new Bookmark();
    ->setTitle('Section 3')

// add the bookmark to the PDF
// set metadata entry for the PDF
$pdftk->metadata()->set('Author', 'Jane Doe');

// apply bookmarks and metadata to the source PDF using a specified target PDF
$pdftk->apply($source, $target);


The test suite can be run with vendor/bin/phpunit tests.