CLI tool to automate commands using Google Classroom API
These instructions will guide you through project deployment and development process. For further questions, see the doc files (under development).
The project uses .NET Core framework to run. Visit Microsoft page to download.
Clone project using this command:
git clone
In the project root directory, restore the NuGet packages
dotnet restore
And build using
dotnet build
The compiled code will be found in the debug folder of GoogleClassroom.Service
After build the project, run the DLL using
dotnet GoogleClassroomCli.Service.dll <args>
add-student Add a student into a course
exec-commands Import a command list to be executed
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
- .NET Core - Getting started.
- Google Classroom API - API documentation.
- OAuth 2.0 protocol - Authentication method used in this project to connect to Google Classroom API. See Server to Server Applications for futhers details.
- Clean Architecture - Architecture implemented
- Command Pattern - Used pattern in this project
- .NET Core 2.0 - Framework
- Classroom API .NET - Google Classroom API Client Library for .NET
- Gustavo Murayama - gmurayama
- Leonardo Nascimento - leonaascimento
- Tiago Suzukayama - tzusukayama
- Renê Araujo - rene-araujo
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details